Sermons by Mike McDonald
Back to Sermon ArchiveFebruary 18, 2024
Jesus Is Fully Human But He Shows Us What It Is To Be Truly Human
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Jesus Is Topic: Lent Passage: Luke 2:41–52
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September 19, 2021
God's Promises Live Past Our Part in His Story
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: The Patriarchs Topic: The Patriarchs - God's Persistent Call Passage: Genesis 24:45–67, John 4:7–15
July 18, 2021
Godly Speech is Beautiful and Valuable
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Proverbs - Walking Wisely in a Fool's World Topic: Proverbs - Walking Wisely in a Fool's World Passage: Proverbs 25:11–13, Matthew 15:10–20
July 11, 2021
God Gave Sex to Fulfill Marriage and Symbolize Christ's Love for the Church
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Proverbs - Walking Wisely in a Fool's World Topic: Proverbs - Walking Wisely in a Fool's World Passage: Proverbs 5:1–12, Proverbs 5:21–23, John 8:2–11
July 4, 2021
We Serve A Generous God Who Rewards Generosity
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Proverbs - Walking Wisely in a Fool's World Topic: Proverbs - Walking Wisely in a Fool's World Passage: Proverbs 11:23–27, Matthew 22:15–22
February 7, 2021
The Gospel of Jesus Brings a 180 Degree Turn that Transforms a Life from Self to Service
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Light Shines in the Darkness Topic: Light Shines in the Darkness Passage: 1 Corinthians 9:16–27
January 17, 2021
The Lord Looks for People who are Humble, Knowing and Faithful
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Light Shines in the Darkness Topic: Light Shines in the Darkness Passage: 1 Samuel 3:1–10
January 10, 2021
Vision Sunday 2021
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Vision Sunday Topic: Vision Sunday Passage: Matthew 2:1–12
January 3, 2021
Jesus is the Rightful King of Your Heart
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Out Of Egypt I Called My Son Topic: Out Of Egypt I Called My Son Passage: Matthew 2:13–23
December 24, 2020
Christmas eve 2020
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Behold: Good News of Great Joy Topic: Christmas Eve Passage: Luke 2:8–20
December 6, 2020
God is Patient, Not Wanting Anyone to Perish, But all to Reach Repentance
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Advent - A Season of Transformation Topic: Advent Passage: 2 Peter 3:8–18
November 29, 2020
When You’re Always Ready (for Christ’s return), You’re Never Surprised
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Advent - A Season of Transformation Topic: Advent Passage: Mark 13:24–37
November 15, 2020
God Invites Us to Participate in His Business As Friends
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Created to Worship Topic: Created to Worship Passage: Matthew 25:14–30, Zephaniah 1:1–7
November 8, 2020
To Know God and Make Him Known
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Created to Worship Topic: Created to Worship Passage: Amos 5:18–24, Matthew 25:1–13
October 25, 2020
Outdoor Service
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Daniel: God's Sovereignty in Challenging Times Topic: Daniel: God's Sovereignity in Challenging Times Passage: Daniel 10:10–20
October 11, 2020
In suffering, it’s comforting to know that the Eternal God rules over the past, present and future.
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Daniel: God's Sovereignty in Challenging Times Topic: Daniel: God's Sovereignity in Challenging Times Passage: Daniel 7:9–18
October 4, 2020
The Finger of God
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Daniel: God's Sovereignty in Challenging Times Topic: Daniel: God's Sovereignity in Challenging Times Passage: Daniel 5:17–30
September 27, 2020
The Most High Rules the Kingdom of Men and Gives it to Whom He Will, and Sets Over it the Lowliest of Men (i.e. Jesus).
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Daniel: God's Sovereignty in Challenging Times Topic: Daniel: God's Sovereignity in Challenging Times Passage: Daniel 4:28–37
September 13, 2020
God Is Building His Kingdom On Christ The Rock
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Daniel: God's Sovereignty in Challenging Times Topic: Daniel: God's Sovereignity in Challenging Times Passage: Daniel 2:26–44
September 6, 2020
God Has a Plan That Culminates in Jesus' Rule
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Daniel: God's Sovereignty in Challenging Times Topic: Daniel: God's Sovereignity in Challenging Times Passage: Daniel 1:1–21
August 30, 2020
Jesus Expects Christians to Demonstrate Their Faith
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Get Connected Sunday Passage: Matthew 7:24–29
August 23, 2020
Jesus Invites His Followers to Choose the Narrow Path
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Sermon on the Mount Passage: Matthew 7:13–23
August 2, 2020
Christ is Our True Treasure
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Sermon on the Mount Passage: Matthew 6:19–24
July 26, 2020
Christians Practice their Righteousness for an Audience of One and the Glory of One
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Sermon on the Mount Passage: Matthew 6:1–18
July 19, 2020
Oaths and Retaliation
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Sermon on the Mount Passage: Matthew 5:33–42
July 12, 2020
Marriage and Sex are God’s Idea and Part of Our Being His Image Bearers
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Sermon on the Mount Passage: Matthew 5:27–32
June 14, 2020
Jesus and the Beatitudes
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Sermon on the Mount Passage: Matthew 5:1–12
May 31, 2020
The Ministry of the Holy Spirit Points People to Jesus
Speaker: Mike McDonald Topic: Pentecost Passage: John 14:8–17
May 24, 2020
Jesus Prays for His Church and for the World
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: I Have Seen the Lord Topic: I Have Seen the Lord Passage: John 17:1–11
May 17, 2020
Jesus shares his divine life with followers who seek to know and love him.
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: I Have Seen the Lord Topic: I Have Seen the Lord Passage: John 15:1–11
May 10, 2020
Jesus is the Way Forward
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: I Have Seen the Lord Topic: I Have Seen the Lord Passage: John 14:1–14
April 26, 2020
Jesus Is Really Alive and Walks With Us
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: I Have Seen the Lord Topic: I Have Seen the Lord Passage: Luke 24:13–35
April 19, 2020
The Resurrection Gives the Reason Behind all that We Do
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: I Have Seen the Lord Topic: I Have Seen the Lord Passage: John 20:19–31
April 12, 2020
Risen: He has Overcome Easter 2020
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Risen: He Has Overcome Easter 2020 Topic: Easter Passage: John 20:1–18
March 22, 2020
Jesus Thirsted So We Could Be Satisfied
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Words From The Cross Topic: Words From the Cross Passage: John 19:28–30
March 15, 2020
Behold Your Son, Behold Your Mother
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Words From The Cross Topic: Words From the Cross Passage: John 19:23–27
March 8, 2020
Jesus has Authority to Grant Salvation
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Words From The Cross Topic: Words From the Cross Passage: Luke 23:32–43
March 1, 2020
Jesus Forgives His Enemies
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Words From The Cross Topic: Words From the Cross Passage: Luke 23:26–38
February 23, 2020
Jesus is the Cornerstone of All That Matters
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sent for the Sake of Others Topic: Sent for the Sake of Others Passage: Luke 20:9–18
January 19, 2020
God Invites Us to Know Him and Make Him Known
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sent for the Sake of Others Topic: Sent for the Sake of Others Passage: Matthew 13:10–23
January 12, 2020
Hospitality and Invitation
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sent for the Sake of Others Topic: Sent for the Sake of Others Passage: Luke 16:1–13
December 29, 2019
Christ Came So That By Believing We Might Have Life in His Name.
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Christmas - Joy for Every Longing Heart Topic: Christmas - Joy for Every Longing Heart Passage: John 1:1–18
December 22, 2019
Expressing Love for God Because He Loves Us
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Habits of Readiness Topic: Habits of Readiness Passage: Matthew 1:18–25
December 15, 2019
We Rejoice Because The Glory of God is Overtaking All That Is Passing Away
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Habits of Readiness Topic: Habits of Readiness Passage: Isaiah 35:1–10
December 8, 2019
The Gospel Message Makes Repentance Appealing
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Habits of Readiness Topic: Habits of Readiness Passage: Matthew 3:1–12
December 1, 2019
Christ Saves People and Frees Them to Become Like Him
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Habits of Readiness Topic: Habits of Readiness Passage: Romans 13:8–14
November 24, 2019
Jesus is the Only Suitable King of This World
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Liturgy - The Work of the People Topic: Liturgy - The Work of the People Passage: Psalm 46:1–11
November 17, 2019
The Song of Worship
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Liturgy - The Work of the People Topic: Liturgy - The Work of the People Passage: Psalm 98:1–9
November 10, 2019
The Works of Worship
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Liturgy - The Work of the People Topic: Liturgy - The Work of the People Passage: Psalm 17:1–15
November 3, 2019
The Confession of Worship
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Liturgy - The Work of the People Topic: Liturgy - The Work of the People Passage: Psalm 32–11
October 20, 2019
Boaz's Reward
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Ruth - The Lord Redeems Topic: Ruth - The Lord Redeems Passage: Ruth 4:1–12
October 13, 2019
True Love
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Ruth - The Lord Redeems Topic: Ruth - The Lord Redeems Passage: Ruth 3:10–18
October 6, 2019
Boaz's Protection is Symbolic of God's Security
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Ruth - The Lord Redeems Topic: Ruth - The Lord Redeems Passage: Ruth 3:1–9
October 2, 2019
Sermon from Memorial Service for Sonny Lambert
Speaker: Mike McDonald Topic: Memorial Service
September 29, 2019
God's Loving Kindness Does Not Forsake
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Ruth - The Lord Redeems Topic: Ruth - The Lord Redeems Passage: Ruth 2:17–23
September 15, 2019
God's Grace for Foreigners
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Ruth - The Lord Redeems Topic: Ruth - The Lord Redeems Passage: Ruth 2:1–16
September 1, 2019
God Brings Us Home
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Ruth - The Lord Redeems Topic: Ruth - The Lord Redeems Passage: Ruth 1:1–5
August 25, 2019
Get Connected Sunday
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Jesus is Greater Topic: Get Connected
August 11, 2019
Christ's Blood Shed for Forgiveness
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Jesus is Greater Topic: Jesus is Greater Passage: Hebrews 9:11–22
August 4, 2019
Entering God's Rest
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Jesus is Greater Topic: Jesus is Greater Passage: Hebrews 4:1–13
July 21, 2019
Jesus Perfectly Reveals God
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Jesus is Greater Topic: Hebrews Passage: Hebrews 1:1–14
June 9, 2019
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Life In The Spirit Topic: Pentecost Passage: Acts 2:1–11
May 19, 2019
Paul Disciples Timothy
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Discipling Generations Topic: Discipling Generations Passage: Acts 16:1–10
May 12, 2019
Paul and Barnabas Disciple Antioch
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Discipling Generations Topic: Discipling Generations Passage: Acts 11:19–26
May 5, 2019
Ananias Disciples Paul
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Discipling Generations Topic: Discipling Generations Passage: Acts 9:1–19a
April 28, 2019
Believers Were Added
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Discipling Generations Topic: Discipling Generations Passage: Acts 5:12–21
April 21, 2019
Easter Sunday
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Faith Fully Alive Topic: Easter Passage: Luke 24:1–12
March 31, 2019
God's Power Goes With His Purpose
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Extending Grace Topic: Extending Grace Passage: Joshua 1:1–9
March 24, 2019
God Uses Broken People for His Purposes in Relationship
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Extending Grace Topic: Extending Grace Passage: Exodus 3:1–15
March 17, 2019
God is Our Shield
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Extending Grace Topic: Extending Grace Passage: Genesis 15:1–18
March 10, 2019
Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Extending Grace Topic: Extending Grace Passage: Luke 4:1–13
February 17, 2019
God Helps the Helpless
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Abundance For Others Topic: Abundance for Others Passage: Luke 14:12–14
February 10, 2019
Jesus Exalts the Humble
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Abundance For Others Topic: Abundance for Others Passage: Luke 14:7–13
January 27, 2019
Abundance for Others - People of Peace
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Abundance For Others Topic: Abundance for Others Passage: Luke 10:1–12
January 20, 2019
Abundance for Others
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Abundance For Others Topic: Abundance for Others Passage: Luke 15:1–7
January 6, 2019
Vision Sunday
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Vision Sunday Topic: Vision Sunday Passage: Luke 4:42–44
December 23, 2018
Expectations of Serving (Advent IV)
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Living With Expectations Topic: Living With Expectation Passage: Luke 1:39–56
December 9, 2018
Expectations of Salvation
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Living With Expectations Topic: Living With Expectation Passage: Luke 3:1–6
December 2, 2018
Advent I - Expectations of Hope
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Living With Expectations Topic: Living With Expectation Passage: Luke 21:25–33
November 11, 2018
God Is Full of Grace
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Occupied with Greatness Topic: Occupied With Greatness Passage: Ephesians 2:1–10
October 28, 2018
God Is Generous
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Occupied with Greatness Topic: Occupied With Greatness Passage: Matthew 20:1–16
October 14, 2018
God is Unchanging
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Occupied with Greatness Topic: Occupied With Greatness
October 7, 2018
God Knows All Things
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Occupied with Greatness Topic: Occupied With Greatness Passage: Psalm 139:1–24
September 16, 2018
God's Love and Wrath
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Occupied with Greatness Topic: Occupied With Greatness Passage: 1 John 4:7–12
September 9, 2018
God's Word Is Truth
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Occupied with Greatness Topic: Occupied With Greatness Passage: 2 Timothy 3:14– 4:4
September 2, 2018
God is Always First and Initiates Salvation
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Occupied with Greatness Topic: Occupied With Greatness Passage: Exodus 3:7–15
August 26, 2018
Get Connected Sunday
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Get Connected Sunday Topic: Get Connected Passage: Luke 8:4–15
August 12, 2018
Reap What You Sow
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Galatians - Keep In Step With the Spirit Topic: Galatians - Keep in Step With the Spirit Passage: Galatians 6:1–10
August 5, 2018
Bear One Anothers Burden
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Galatians - Keep In Step With the Spirit Topic: Galatians - Keep in Step With the Spirit Passage: Galatians 6:1–18,
July 29, 2018
How Fruit is Formed
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Galatians - Keep In Step With the Spirit Topic: Galatians - Keep in Step With the Spirit Passage: Galatians 5:16–26
July 22, 2018
For Freedom Christ Has Set You Free- Mike McDonald at Church of Our Savior
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Galatians - Keep In Step With the Spirit Topic: Galatians - Keep in Step With the Spirit Passage: Galatians 5:1–15
July 1, 2018
You Never Graduate from Grace
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Galatians - Keep In Step With the Spirit Topic: Galatians - Keep in Step With the Spirit Passage: Galatians 3:1–14
May 20, 2018
Pentecost Sunday
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Pentecost Sunday Topic: Pentecost Passage: John 16:4b–15
May 6, 2018
Jonah: God suffers anger graciously
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Jonah Topic: Jonah: The Reluctant Prophet of a Relentless God Passage: Jonah 4:1–11
April 29, 2018
God Gives Second Chances
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Jonah Topic: Jonah: The Reluctant Prophet of a Relentless God Passage: Jonah 3:1–10
April 8, 2018
God's Works Despite An Antimissionary
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Jonah Topic: Jonah: The Reluctant Prophet of a Relentless God Passage: Jonah 1:1–6
March 25, 2018
"The Cross"
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Core Values of Grace Topic: Core Values of Grace Passage: Mark 15:21–39
March 18, 2018
God Saves Before He Santifies
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Core Values of Grace Topic: Core Values of Grace Passage: Romans 5:1–8
March 11, 2018
The Lord Includes Us in His Work
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Core Values of Grace Topic: Core Values of Grace Passage: John 15:12–17
March 4, 2018
Jesus Wants Disciples
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Core Values of Grace Topic: Core Values of Grace Passage: 1 Corinthians 4:10–21
February 25, 2018
Jesus Calms Us
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Core Values of Grace Topic: Core Values of Grace Passage: Luke 10:38–42
February 18, 2018
God Guides Us
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Core Values of Grace Topic: Core Values of Grace Passage: Acts 10:9–23
January 28, 2018
Jesus is a Light of Revelation and Glory
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Epiphany - Seeing Christ Topic: Epiphany Passage: Luke 2:22–40
January 21, 2018
Jesus is Pro Life
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Epiphany - Seeing Christ Topic: Sanctity of Human Life Passage: John 11:14–27
January 14, 2018
The Lord Delights to Show Favor to the Weak
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Epiphany - Seeing Christ Topic: Epiphany Passage: 1 Samuel 2:1–11
January 7, 2018
Vision Sunday - Mystery of Epiphany is Christ
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Vision Sunday Topic: Vision Sunday Passage: Matthew 2:1–12
December 31, 2017
Jesus Restores What Was Forgiven
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Christmas: The Wonder of God's Kingdom Topic: The Wonder of God's Kingdom Passage: Isaiah 61:10– 62:5
December 24, 2017
Christmas- The Wonder of God's Kingdom
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Christmas: The Wonder of God's Kingdom Topic: Christmas Eve Passage: Luke 2:1–20
December 17, 2017
The Increase of Christ Brings Joy
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Advent - The Coming of God's Kingdom Topic: Advent Passage: John 3:22–30
November 26, 2017
Christ The King Grants Justice
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Jesus the Ultimate Physician Topic: Jesus the Ultimate Physician Passage: John 6:47–58
November 12, 2017
Jesus and Financial Healing #2 (Pledge Sunday)
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Jesus the Ultimate Physician Topic: Jesus the Ultimate Physician Passage: Luke 18:18–30
November 5, 2017
Baptism Sunday
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Baptism Sunday Topic: Baptism Passage: Matthew 5:1–12
October 29, 2017
Jesus and Financial Healing
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Jesus the Ultimate Physician Topic: Jesus the Ultimate Physician Passage: Luke 16:1–13
October 22, 2017
Jesus Heals Society (Good Samaritan)
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Jesus the Ultimate Physician Topic: Jesus the Ultimate Physician Passage: Luke 10:25–37
October 8, 2017
Jesus' Acceptance Brings Healing
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Jesus the Ultimate Physician Topic: Jesus the Ultimate Physician Passage: Luke 7:36–50
September 24, 2017
Jesus' Healing Is First Forgiveness
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Jesus the Ultimate Physician Topic: Jesus the Ultimate Physician Passage: Luke 5:17–26
September 17, 2017
Jesus Invites Sinners to Kingdom Work
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Jesus the Ultimate Physician Topic: Jesus the Ultimate Physician Passage: Luke 5:1–11
September 9, 2017
September 9th Evening Service
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Jesus the Ultimate Physician Topic: Jesus the Ultimate Physician
September 3, 2017
Jesus Gives Victory Over Temptation
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Jesus the Ultimate Physician Topic: Jesus the Ultimate Physician Passage: Luke 4:1–13
August 27, 2017
Get Connected Sunday
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Get Connected Sunday 2017 Topic: Get Connected Passage: Hebrews 10:19–25
July 16, 2017
A Crisis Opens A House to the Gospel
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sent: Living the Mission of God Topic: Sent Passage: Acts 16:25–34
July 9, 2017
In Search of Guidance
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sent: Living the Mission of God Topic: Sent Passage: Acts 16:6–10
June 25, 2017
Good News and Resistance
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sent: Living the Mission of God Topic: Sent Passage: Acts 13:32–48
June 18, 2017
Barnabus and Saul Sent By a Gifted Church
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sent: Living the Mission of God Topic: Sent Passage: Acts 13:1–4
June 11, 2017
Jesus Converts the Head, Heart, and Hands
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sent: Living the Mission of God Topic: Sent Passage: Acts 22:3–16
June 4, 2017
Pentecost-Mike McDonald from Saint Peters, S.C.
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Pentecost Sunday Topic: Pentecost
May 28, 2017
Eternal Life is Knowing God
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Easter Entering Into The Newness of Life Topic: Easter Entering Into The Newness of Life Passage: John 17:1–11
May 14, 2017
Doing Even Greater Works
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Easter Entering Into The Newness of Life Topic: Easter Entering Into The Newness of Life Passage: John 14:1–14
April 30, 2017
Encouraged at His Table
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Easter Entering Into The Newness of Life Topic: Easter Entering Into The Newness of Life Passage: Luke 24:13–35
April 23, 2017
Life In His Name
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Easter Entering Into The Newness of Life Topic: Easter Entering Into The Newness of Life Passage: John 20:19–31
April 16, 2017
Jesus Offers Newness of Life
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Easter Entering Into The Newness of Life Topic: Easter Entering Into The Newness of Life
April 2, 2017
Jesus Steps into the Grave
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Lent - By His Wounds We Are Healed Topic: Lent 2017 Passage: John 11:18–44
March 19, 2017
Jesus Enters Our Shame
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Lent - By His Wounds We Are Healed Topic: Lent 2017 Passage: John 4:7–26
March 12, 2017
Jesus Pierces the Skeptics Darkness
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Lent - By His Wounds We Are Healed Topic: Lent 2017 Passage: John 3:1–16
March 5, 2017
Jesus Stood Where Adam Fell
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Lent - By His Wounds We Are Healed Topic: Lent 2017 Passage: Genesis 2:15– 3:7
March 1, 2017
Ash Wednesday
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Ash Wednesday Topic: Ash Wednesday Passage: Joel 2:1–17, Psalm 103:8–14, 2 Corinthians 5:17– 6:2, Matthew 6:1–21
February 26, 2017
Jesus Is the Glory of God
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Epiphany - Christ Revealed Topic: Epiphany Passage: Matthew 17:1–13
February 12, 2017
Jesus Is the Power to Live Morally
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Epiphany - Christ Revealed Topic: Epiphany Passage: Matthew 5:20–37
February 5, 2017
Jesus is the Fulfillment of the Law
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Epiphany - Christ Revealed Topic: Epiphany Passage: Matthew 5:13–20
January 29, 2017
Jesus Is God's Salvation
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Epiphany - Christ Revealed Topic: Epiphany Passage: Matthew 4:12–22
January 15, 2017
Jesus Baptizes with the Holy Spirit
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Epiphany - Christ Revealed Topic: Epiphany Passage: John 1:29–42
January 8, 2017
Vision Sunday
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Vision Sunday Topic: Vision Sunday Passage: Matthew 2:1–12
January 1, 2017
Hope Has a Name - Living In Hope
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Hope Has a Name Topic: Hope Has A Name Passage: Luke 2:15–21
December 25, 2016
Christmas Day
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Hope Is Born Topic: Christmas Day Passage: John 1:18
December 18, 2016
The Hope of Life in God's Presence
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Advent - Living in Hope Topic: Advent Passage: Isaiah 7:10–17
December 4, 2016
Advent 2 - The Hope of Endurance
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Advent - Living in Hope Topic: Advent Passage: Romans 15:1–13
November 20, 2016
Jesus Is Mocked As King
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Thy Kingdom Come Topic: Thy Kingdom Come Passage: Luke 23:35–43
November 6, 2016
Sadducees and the Resurrection
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Thy Kingdom Come Topic: Thy Kingdom Come Passage: Luke 20:27–38
October 30, 2016
Baptism Sunday
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Posture of Praise Topic: Posture of Praise Passage: Luke 19:1–10
October 23, 2016
God Alone is Righteous, Who Hears Our Prayers
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Posture of Praise Topic: Posture of Praise Passage: Luke 18:9–14
October 16, 2016
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Posture of Praise Topic: Posture of Praise Passage: Luke 18:1–8
October 9, 2016
The Lord is King to All, but Not All Respond
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Posture of Praise Topic: Posture of Praise Passage: Luke 17:11–19
September 25, 2016
Only a Good God Gives Warnings
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Idolatry: Making Good Things the Ultimate Thing Topic: Idolatry Passage: Luke 16:19–31
September 18, 2016
God Trusts Us With His Money
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Idolatry: Making Good Things the Ultimate Thing Topic: Idolatry Passage: Luke 16:1–13
September 11, 2016
Lost Coin; Lost Sheep
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Idolatry: Making Good Things the Ultimate Thing Topic: Idolatry Passage: Luke 15:1–10
August 28, 2016
Get Connected Sunday
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Get Connected Sunday Topic: Get Connected Passage: Ephesians 2:11–22
May 29, 2016
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Life In The Spirit Topic: Life in the Spirit Passage: Romans 8:14–39
May 22, 2016
The Power to Change
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Life In The Spirit Topic: Life in the Spirit Passage: John 16:7–15
May 15, 2016
The Feast of Pentecost
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Life In The Spirit Topic: Pentecost Passage: Acts 2:22–41
May 1, 2016
Healthy Relationships-Christ At the Center of My Friendships
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Healthy Relationships Topic: Healthy Relationships Passage: Luke 24:13–35
April 24, 2016
Healthy Relationships-Choosing Mercy
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Healthy Relationships Topic: Healthy Relationships Passage: Luke 7:36–50
April 17, 2016
Healthy Relationships-Trust is the Basis of Communication
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Healthy Relationships Topic: Healthy Relationships Passage: Matthew 5:33–37
April 10, 2016
The Third Greatest Commandment
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Healthy Relationships Topic: Healthy Relationships Passage: John 13:31–35
April 6, 2016
Wednesday Worship
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Post Communion Prayer Teaching Topic: Post Communion Prayer
April 3, 2016
First With God, Then With Others
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Healthy Relationships Topic: Healthy Relationships Passage: Luke 10:25–28
March 30, 2016
Wednesday Worship - Rejection and Acceptance
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Post Communion Prayer Teaching Topic: Post Communion Prayer Passage: Ephesians 2:11–22
March 27, 2016
Easter Sunday
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Easter 2016: He is Alive! Topic: Easter Passage: Luke 24:1–12
March 9, 2016
Wednesday Night Worship
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Post Communion Prayer Teaching Topic: Post Communion Prayer
March 2, 2016
Wednesday Night Worship
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Post Communion Prayer Teaching Topic: Post Communion Prayer
February 28, 2016
Mastering the Process of Temptation
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Coming Alive Topic: Lent 2016 Passage: 1 Corinthians 10:1–13
February 21, 2016
Being a Friend of the Cross - Lent 2
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Coming Alive Topic: Lent 2016 Passage: Philippians 3:17– 4:1
February 14, 2016
What Does It Take to Be Saved?
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Coming Alive Topic: Lent 2016 Passage: Romans 10:8–13
February 7, 2016
Come Follow Me, I Will Make You Fishers
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: The Heart of Mission Topic: Heart of Mission Passage: Mark 1:14–20
January 10, 2016
Vision Sunday January 2016
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Vision Sunday Passage: Matthew 2:1–12
December 24, 2015
Christmas Eve
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Christmas Eve Topic: Christmas Eve Passage: Luke 2:1–14,
December 20, 2015
A Ruler to Follow
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Advent - Prepare the Way Topic: Advent Passage: Luke 1:39–45
December 6, 2015
A Patient God
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Advent - Prepare the Way Topic: Advent Passage: Malachi 2:17– 3:4
November 22, 2015
Hearing the Son of God
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Learning to Breathe Passage: Hebrews 1:1–12
November 15, 2015
Prayer Works
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Learning to Breathe Passage: Matthew 20:29–34
November 8, 2015
Keep Praying and Don't Give Up!
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Learning to Breathe Passage: Luke 18:1–8
November 1, 2015
Baptism and Confirmation
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Baptism and Confirmation Topic: Baptism and Confirmation Passage: John 14:8–14
October 25, 2015
A Treasure in a Field: Assurance & Hope
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: A Treasure in a Field Passage: Colossians 3:1–17
October 4, 2015
A Treasure in a Field: True Happiness
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: A Treasure in a Field Passage: Matthew 5:1–12
September 27, 2015
A Treasure in a Field: God is Right Next to You
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: A Treasure in a Field Passage: Colossians 1:15–20
September 16, 2015
Wednesday PM - Story Tellers- Week #2
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Storytellers Topic: Testimony
September 13, 2015
A Treasure in a Field: The Afterlife Starts Now
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: A Treasure in a Field Passage: John 10:7–10
September 9, 2015
Wednesday PM - Storytellers #1
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Storytellers Topic: Testimony Passage: Matthew 6:25–34
September 6, 2015
A Treasure in A Field: The Real Gospel is Overlooked
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: A Treasure in a Field Passage: Genesis 28:10–17
August 30, 2015
Vision Sunday
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Vision Sunday Passage: Matthew 13:31–33
August 16, 2015
Honest to God: Nathan Rebukes David
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Honest to God: The Life of King David Passage: 2 Samuel 12:1–12:15
July 5, 2015
Honest to God: The Dark Night of the Soul
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Honest to God: The Life of King David Passage: 1 Samuel 19:1–19:10
June 28, 2015
Honest to God: The Battle Belongs to God
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Honest to God: The Life of King David Passage: 1 Samuel 17:37–17:47
June 21, 2015
Honest to God: "The Heart of the Matter"
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Honest to God: The Life of King David Passage: 1 Samuel 16:1–16:13
June 14, 2015
Israel Demands a King
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Honest to God: The Life of King David Passage: 1 Samuel 8:1–8:22
May 24, 2015
Pentecost Sunday
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Pentecost Sunday Topic: Pentecost Passage: Acts 2:1–2:21
May 17, 2015
Resurrection Life: When the World's Against You
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Resurrection Life Topic: Resurrection Life Passage: John 17:6–17:19
May 10, 2015
Resurrection Life: No VIPs
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Resurrection Life Topic: Resurrection Life Passage: Acts 10:34–10:48
May 3, 2015
Resurrection Life: Break from Busy
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Resurrection Life Topic: Resurrection Life Passage: 1 John 4:1–4:6
April 26, 2015
Resurrection Life: Not Afraid
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Resurrection Life Topic: Resurrection Life Passage: Acts 4:5–4:13
April 19, 2015
Resurrection Life: No More Secrets
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Resurrection Life Topic: Resurrection Life Passage: 1 John 3:1–3:10
April 5, 2015
Jesus Is the First-born From the Dead
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Lifted Up Topic: Lifted Up Passage: John 20:1–20:18
March 29, 2015
Jesus Was Silent Before His Accusers
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Lifted Up Topic: Lifted Up Passage: Mark 15:6–15:15
March 15, 2015
Jesus Was Lifted Up to Give Eternal Life
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Lifted Up Topic: Lifted Up Passage: John 3:14–3:21
March 8, 2015
Jesus Is Lord of the Temple
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Lifted Up Topic: Lifted Up Passage: John 2:13–2:22
March 1, 2015
Jesus Chooses The Cross
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Lifted Up Topic: Lifted Up Passage: Mark 8:31–8:38
February 22, 2015
The Pattern, The Person and The Plan
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Lifted Up Topic: Lent 2015 Passage: Mark 1:8–1:15
February 15, 2015
Belong: Membership Means Cosmic Battle
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Topic: Belonging Passage: Ephesians 6:10–6:20
February 1, 2015
Belong: Mercy, Walk in Love as Christ Loved Us
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Topic: Belonging Passage: Ephesians 5:1–5:2
January 18, 2015
Belong: Healthy Community Life
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Passage: Ephesians 4:25–4:32
January 11, 2015
Vision Sunday
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Topic: Belonging Passage: Ephesians 2:11–2:22
January 4, 2015
Belong: To Unite All Things in Christ
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Topic: Belonging Passage: Ephesians 1:3–1:10
December 14, 2014
Advent 3
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Hark the Herald Passage: Isaiah 61:1–61:11
November 30, 2014
Advent 1 - God is Our Father
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Hark the Herald Topic: Advent Passage: Isaiah 64:1–64:9