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Christ The King Grants Justice

November 26, 2017 Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Jesus the Ultimate Physician

Topic: Jesus the Ultimate Physician Passage: John 6:47–58

A Recap of Sunday’s Sermon

Preaching Text: John 6:47-58

Jesus personally gave the church only two sacraments. They are of inestimable value, but sadly, most people undervalue them. With Communion, which we practice weekly, repetition can cause complacency. Furthermore, the mysterious nature can make more ‘practical’ people reluctant to reflect on Communion’s significance.   However, cherishing this gift will require intentionally embracing it.

Jesus’ challenging teaching in John 6 quickly moves from a discussion about the miraculous feeding of 5,000 to its foreshadowing of his cross Holy Communion. Humans are introduced in Genesis 1:29 as hungry beings. Through sin, we are tempted to feed on the wrong food, which cannot nourish. Thankfully,

Jesus is the Bread of Life that nourishes us.

Holy Communion, a.k.a. Eucharist, is about giving thanks through remembrance. The sacrament calls to memory certain important truths from the past, present and future. 

  1. In the past, Jesus’ body was BROKEN on the cross. He died so we could have life. As the bread brings physical nourishment, belief in Jesus’ cross nourishes us spiritually.
  2. In the present, those with faith in Christ BELONG to his new body, the church. This is a new and eternal family comprised of all whom God calls to himself (v.44).
  3. In the future there will be a wedding BANQUET including all whom Jesus will raise up (v.54). See Revelation 19:6-9 for a description.

Thinking of these “three B’s” as we come to communion will teach us to cherish this gift Jesus has given. However, we must also come to the Lord’s Table having undergone a thorough self-examination assuring ourselves of a sincere intention to turn from specific sins and live in God’s ways lest Communion brings judgment instead of nourishment (see 1 Cor. 11:28-29).  

Taking it home: Have a discussion about what significance participation in Holy Communion has for you.

More in Jesus the Ultimate Physician

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