Join us sundays at 8:30 & 11AM

Making a Global Impact

Grace Anglican exists to join Jesus in the Great Commission to take the Gospel to the nations. We partner with individuals and organizations for the advancement of the Kingdom  through church planting and relief efforts. If you have an interest in being part of the Global Missions Committee or would like more information on the ministries below, please contact our Global Missions Committee Chair, Dave Garmus.

3 Ways to Get Involved:

1. Serve - Sign up to help our Global Missions Committee encourage and support our mission partners throughout the year or when they visit through cards, meals, and in other creative ways. 

2. Support - Please join us in praying for our mission partners, consider signing up for their newsletters, or financially supporting them directly. For more information on how to get in touch with a specific partner, see each partner's information below or contact Curtis Froisland.

3. Go - Go on an upcoming mission trip to Guatemala

Global Missions Committee

The Missions Committee meets every other month to lead Grace Anglican's vision to partner with individuals and organizations for the advancement of the Kingdom of God globally.  This team fosters strategic initiatives, congregational mobilization and education, and financial administration.  Please pray for this team as they seek to steward resources for the strengthening of the global church to the glory of God. Contact Curtis Froisland if you have any questions or would like to know more. 

Our Global Partners in Mission:


This organization exists to glorify God by establishing churches among least-reached Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and other people groups worldwide. We support the International Director, Brent McHugh and his wife Kim financially, as well as support a number of their global initiatives such as leadership development and the Syrian Refugee Crisis.

For more information on this organization, please visit

6:8 Ministries

6:8 Ministries serves the most impoverished communities of Costa Rica through coordinating a Christ-centered orphanage for local children and hosting mission teams to share the Gospel through ongoing discipleship programs and sustainable development. 

Wycliffe Bible Translators: Ethno Arts in Cameroon

Chris and Lori Gassler now work Stateside in consulting for Wycliffe Africa, training and supporting nationals to write worship songs in their own languages. Chris also teaches and trains missionaries at Dallas Int'l University. Lori serves with Wycliffe to support missionary families. Learn more here.  

Eurasia Partners: Coaching and Equipping Church Planters

Jim Sinn Jr. is the operations director for Eurasia Partners, which seek to train, coach, and resource pastors and church planters working in 30 countries including Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia.  Learn more here.

Institute for Worship Studies (IWS)

The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies exists to form servant leaders in Christian worship renewal and education through graduate academic praxis, grounded in biblical, historical, theological, cultural and missiological reflection in community.

IWS emphasizes the student and their ministry context in the classroom, they use rich tools to continue learning online following oncampus intensives, and they intentionally create an egalitarian, highly relational community.  For more information, contact Jessica Jones or visit their website.    

Caribbean Youth Network
Barrett and Carrie Hendrickson & Family

We support the Hendrickson Family who is planting a church in Marsh Harbour, Bahamas. Their mission is planting, partnering and networking of relational Christ-centered youth ministries that introduce youth to the gospel and help them mature in Christ. Through church planting and discipleship, their aim is to raise up Bahamian leaders. Email Barrett Hendrickson to learn more. 

Anglican Relief and Development Fund

We partner with the ARDF’s mission to empower Anglicans in the developing world to show the love of Christ to those in need in their own communities. Their work consists of ongoing development projects (clean water initiatives, job creation, education, etc) as well as relief in the midst of natural disasters and persecution. For more information on this organization, please visit


Learn about our Local Outreaches and Mercy Ministries