Join us sundays at 7:00, 8:30 & 11AM

Making A Local Impact

Grace Anglican Church is a “Great Commission Church” and we strive to be a community of individuals who show and tell God’s story to those in our lives who don’t know him.



Young Life no background

Young Life

We partner with Clay County Young Life to reach the youth in our community with the Gospel. Young Life is a world-class organization that enters the world of teens, focusing on what matters to them - fun, adventure, friendship and a sense of significance - and teaching them about God's love. This ministry includes:

  • Young Life - ministry to high school students
  • Wyld Life- ministry to middle school students
  • YoungLives - ministry to teen moms
  • Capernaum - ministry to our friends with disabilities  

Clay County Young Life meets on Monday nights at The Barn located at the back side of the church parking lot. For more information, click here to learn more or contact Melanie Kissane here.  

young lives


Every day YoungLives carries hope into the lives of thousands of teen moms and their children to change generations.  They reach out to young women who have never experienced the real love of Christ and come alongside to help them discover who they were created to be.  There are many ways to get involved: mentor, committee member, financial partner, childcare volunteer and so much more. Please contact Melanie Kissane.

BoyScoutsScouting BSA

Scouting BSA presents young people with opportunities to try new things, provide service to others, build self confidence, develop leadership skills and grow spirtually. Scouting allows Grace to bring stronger service to the community while offering fun and adventure to our youth, families, and community. Cub Pack, Scout Troop, and Venture Crew 482 meet on campus. 

IWS shield updated no backgroundsmallInstitute for Worship Studies (IWS)

The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies exists to form servant leaders in Christian worship renewal and education through graduate academic praxis, grounded in biblical, historical, theological, cultural and missiological reflection in community.

IWS emphasizes the student and their ministry context in the classroom, they use rich tools to continue learning online following oncampus intensives, and they intentionally create an egalitarian, highly relational community.  For more information, contact Jessica Jones or visit their website.    



We offer Alpha each year. 

There is power in an invitation. Alpha is an engine for life transformation. In a world of isolation, anonymity, and keyboard-warriors, creating spaces for honest, open, and judgment-free conversations for anyone to explore the Christian faith is so important. Who in your life needs to know the love of Jesus? We encourage you to pray for and invite someone to the Alpha kickoff. Click here to learn more.

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