Join us sundays at 7:00, 8:30 & 11AM


The mission of the Grace Anglican Church Pastoral Care and Prayer Ministries is to act as an ambassador for Christ so all can experience the healing touch of Jesus, to know God more intimately, and draw closer to him through prayer, meals, visits, prayer schools, grief support, and prayer services.   

Upcoming Classes and Services

Caregiver Luncheons
First Monday of Each Month, 12PM - 1:30PM
This monthly meeting is open to all caregivers in our community who are involved with caring for others and are needing support and fellowship. After a talk, small group time will follow. Visit this page to register for the next luncheon. 

Opportunities for Individual Prayer

Prayer and Support Requests

We want to support you in your time of need. Whether you have a prayer request or need assistance, let us know how we can help you. Contact Rev. Luke Memminger to upload any urgent needs or prayer requests for the pastoral staff. 

Personal Prayer Appointments In-Person or Online

These are different and difficult times that most of us have never faced before. The need for prayer still exists and perhaps has increased. The prayer team would love to pray with you. Prayer ministers are available for in person and online personal prayer appointments using Zoom. These appointments are strickly confidential. For an appointment, please email Francine Marshall or Susan Hoffman.  

Sunday Prayer Teams
at 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM Services

These teams have been trained in our School of Prayer and offer prayer for the needs of anyone attending our church services. Please visit them during communion.

Intercessory Prayer Team

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people… 1 Timothy 2:1

Intercessors serve by praying for your confidential requests daily for three weeks.  Updates concerning your request are appreciated so we can praise God when prayers are answered and continue interceding when more prayer is required.  Be assured all requests are kept strictly confidential.  If you would like someone to pray for your request, please contact Luke Memminger or call the church office at (904) 541-1234.


Homebound and Hospital visitation

Prayer teams are available to visit you if you are homebound or in the hospital due to illness, and to pray with you for your healing. We consider it to be an honor and a privilege to support and pray for those who are hurting or recovering from surgery or illness. If you need someone to come and pray with you, please contact The Rev. Luke Memminger or call the church office (904) 541-1234.

Home Communion

If you are homebound or in the hospital, rehabilitation or other healthcare facility, a specially trained team of Grace Lay Chaplains would be happy to bring you communion and pray with you. Please contact The Rev. Luke Memminger or call the church office at (904) 541-1234. 

Grace Lay Chaplains (GLC)

These chaplains are trained to distribute Holy Communion and pray for the emotional, spiritual, and physical needs of our congregation as well as their family and friends as requested.  The lay chaplains will visit people in the hospital, healthcare facilities and their homes as requested.  These lay chaplains are commissioned by the Anglican Church of North America.