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Discipling Generations

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Discipling Generations

In this series, which will carry us through the Easter season until Pentecost is called "Discipling Generations." This is the second half of our church vision. Both words are intentional. The word "discipling," picks up the language of Jesus in the Great Commission. His followers are commanded to make disciples of all nations. Discipling people is acting in obedience to Jesus' final command. The second word, "Generations," tells us who we are discipling. There are both physical and spiritual generations. The first refers to those younger in age than we are. The second refers to those newer in Christ than we are. The Bible has numerous examples of both. Paul's disciple, Timothy, is an example of both. In Paul's first letter to Timothy, he commands the young Timothy to "let no one despise you for your youth but set the believers an example..." (4:12). Timothy was obviously mature for his age and exercising discipleship with people who were older. Paul's second letter to Timothy reminds him that he is the product of a Christian household that passed the faith down the family line. His grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice were both believers and now Timothy is one. It has been said the the Church is only one generation away from extinction. The rapid decline of Christianity in Europe illustrates this. Faithful parents must disciple their children. Grace Anglican church is intentionally intergenerational. This series will have us in the book of Acts as Christianity began its rapid spread into the world. Believers were added regularly to the Church and discipleship was necessary. We'll see several examples of believers discipling others, noting specific details of the way Jesus grows his Church through faithfulness in this area.

May 26, 2019

Paul Disciples Priscilla and Aquilla

Speaker: Dan Wolf Series: Discipling Generations Topic: Discipling Generations Passage: Acts 18:1–11

May 19, 2019

Paul Disciples Timothy

Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Discipling Generations Topic: Discipling Generations Passage: Acts 16:1–10

May 12, 2019

Paul and Barnabas Disciple Antioch

Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Discipling Generations Topic: Discipling Generations Passage: Acts 11:19–26

May 5, 2019

Ananias Disciples Paul

Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Discipling Generations Topic: Discipling Generations Passage: Acts 9:1–19a

April 28, 2019

Believers Were Added

Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Discipling Generations Topic: Discipling Generations Passage: Acts 5:12–21