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Marriage and Sex are God’s Idea and Part of Our Being His Image Bearers

July 12, 2020 Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sermon on the Mount

Topic: Sermon on the Mount Passage: Matthew 5:27–32

Few things in life have such potential for both joy and pain as do sex and marriage.  Sex and marriage are overshadowed by lust and divorce. Jesus is correcting errant or inadequate views of God’s law, “You shall not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14). Jesus’ contemporaries were breaking this commandment by committing adultery of the heart (lust) or of the court (divorce). His teaching helps us see how God’s laws are about much more than external conformity.

Marriage and sex are God’s idea and part of our being his image bearers, so he is eager to help us with them.

Beginning in verse 27, Jesus shows how serious lust is. Despite what many people think, it does hurt others and oneself. It’s so serious that Jesus implies the risk of hell.  Lust is something a person cultivates in his/her life. This adultery of the heart is then coupled with shame, addictions, and eventually actual physical adultery.

In verse 31, Jesus expands his teaching to show that using divorce to end a marriage does not avoid adultery. This too is breaking the seventh commandment.  In Matthew 19, Jesus expands his teaching on divorce, showing how God initially designed it to work.

Marriage is meant to be a lifelong union between one man and one woman. Ephesians 5 adds that marriage is a mystery pointing us to Christ’s love for his bride, the Church.  He loves us and was willing to die for the Church.  All marriages require hard work, but they are worth fighting for.

If your marriage is stuck, please come to the church leadership for help.  If you’re caught in lust or sexual addiction, likewise, come for help.  You will find grace here and no judgment.  It is for freedom that Christ has set you free.

Taking It Home: If you’re married, what can you do to help your spouse grow as a disciple of Jesus? If you’re single, what can you do to encourage a married person in their marriage?