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Barnabus and Saul Sent By a Gifted Church

June 18, 2017 Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sent: Living the Mission of God

Topic: Sent Passage: Acts 13:1–4

A Recap of Sunday’s Sermon

Preaching Text: Acts 13:1-4 

The book of Acts leaves us hanging at the end of chapter 28. The Church is growing daily. The Apostle Paul is under house arrest in Rome. Persecution is happening to Christians everywhere. Why is the rest of the story not there? It is because God is still writing the 29th chapter, and we are a part of that story! Nothing has changed since those days.

God is building his church through gifted people who listen to the Holy Spirit.

  1. God is building his church. He used persecution in Jerusalem to gather a powerful mission hub in Antioch. It was there that Paul and Barnabus were sent off as the first oversees missionaries. It became a center of theology and church leadership for several centuries. God is still moving people around today.    
  1. Through gifted people. Acts 13:1-4 shows a church that was diverse. We see even more of the church in Antioch in Acts 11:19. There were gifts of prophecy, teaching, evangelism, apostleship, and shepherding.   The Apostle Paul would later tell us that these gifts are given by the grace of Christ after he ascended to heaven. (See Eph. 4:7-13). The Bible lists nearly 30 spiritual gifts. Every believer has been given some of these for the work of ministry.
  1. Who listen to the Holy Spirit. It was through the spiritual disciplines of worship, prayer and fasting that the church in Antioch heard the Holy Spirit speak. They prayed and fasted further to confirm this word, then, they responded obediently.

Jesus said, “I will build my church,” but to us he says, “go make disciples.”             

Taking it Home: Name as many spiritual gifts as you can then discuss which ones God has given you. How might these be used in your current context?

More in Sent: Living the Mission of God

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