Eternal Life is Knowing God
May 28, 2017 Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Easter Entering Into The Newness of Life
Topic: Easter Entering Into The Newness of Life Passage: John 17:1–11
A Recap from Sunday’s Sermon
Preaching Text: John 17: 1-11
In John 17 our Lord concludes five chapters of farewell discourse before his ascension, intentionally giving us insight into his prayer life. Prior to praying he warns, “In this world you will have tribulation, but take heart, I have overcome the world.”
For many people, the world is seen as a hostile and unstable place. If we only look at our immediate circumstances, we can start to believe the lies that sabotage us and miss the presence of God’s kingdom in our midst. We might even wonder if God is in control or if we really are saved. These and other lies are intended to subvert our faith. By looking at Jesus’ prayer, we can arrive at a place of deep security in faith. The Christian author and professor, Dallas Willard, held that the universe is a perfectly safe place for the Christian. He said this even while dying of terminal cancer. How?
Because Jesus is Lord, believers can have security of faith.
Jesus prays first for himself, then for his Apostles. His prayer is revealing of the eternal glory he shared before the world was even created (v. 5). He speaks with complete certainty that the Father’s will would be accomplished (v. 4), and with an eye toward magnifying the Father’s glory (v.1). Christians are secure because Jesus is Lord as he always has been and always will be.
In Jesus’ prayer for his followers, we see the key attributes of faith. They were receptive and they believed in Jesus (v. 8). His followers often displayed ignorance and weakness. Still, God accepted them because they received Jesus and trusted him. The new life in Christ is a life of security, even in tribulation, because Jesus is secure.
Taking it Home: Name some current tribulations in your life that may be causing insecurity. How might God be using these to advance his kingdom?

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