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Christmas- The Wonder of God's Kingdom

December 24, 2017 Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Christmas: The Wonder of God's Kingdom

Topic: Christmas Eve Passage: Luke 2:1–20

A Recap of Sunday’s Sermon

Preaching Text: Luke 2:1-20

For people of faith, the virgin birth should cause no intellectual difficulties. If one accepts that God is a supernatural being, his entrance into humanity would logically be supernatural. There is much about this story that is supernatural and should inspire wonder. Wonder is a feeling of surprise or awe caused by something beautiful and unexpected. Sadly, many people ignore or trivialize the miraculous events of Christmas. But others embrace them and are blessed.  

Wonder in God results in worship.    

Consider just two aspects of Christmas that should bring wonder.

  1. God’s Sovereignty. Caesar Augustus was unaware that he was fulfilling prophecy when he decreed a census causing Joseph and Mary to travel to Bethlehem. Hundreds of years earlier, the prophet Micah wrote, But you, O Bethlehem…from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days” (5:2). God is in control of all history and not a single detail slips his grasp, including the details of our lives.
  1. God’s Salvation. The Lord consistently works his plan of salvation through certain patterns. The rejection of his Savior is one such pattern. The experience at the inn in Bethlehem was foreshadowing things to come. Jesus’ “own people did not receive him” (John 1:11). There was no room at the inn, or in the temple, or in Rome. So Jesus finds himself in a place where no person should ever be, first in a manger, then on a cross.

When the shepherds declared to the stable all that the angels had said and sung, “All who heard it wondered” and the “shepherds returned glorifying and praising God” (Luke 2:18,20).    

Taking it home: Make a list of the supernatural details surrounding Jesus’ birth. Offer a prayer of thanksgiving to God for loving us so much.

More in Christmas: The Wonder of God's Kingdom

December 31, 2017

Jesus Restores What Was Forgiven