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Jesus Restores What Was Forgiven

December 31, 2017 Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Christmas: The Wonder of God's Kingdom

Topic: The Wonder of God's Kingdom Passage: Isaiah 61:10– 62:5

A Recap from Sunday’s Sermon

Preaching Text: Isaiah 61:10-62:5

A painful result of moral failure is the sense of shame and unworthiness. As the Prodigal Son says, “Father, I am no longer worthy to be called your son” (Luke 15:21). We can either try to build ourselves up by faulty comparisons or humbly own our sinfulness and ask God to help us. What motivated Christmas was God’s love for the world (John 3:16), which means love for sinners. Here is the good news: Although you are not worthy of God, you are cherished by him.

The wonder of God’s Kingdom is that he delights in you (Isaiah 61:5).

God went to great lengths to restore us to himself because he loves us despite our sin. The Isaiah passage is bookended by rejoicing. First the author rejoices in God, then God rejoices in his people. Here is what makes us rejoice in him.

  1. He clothes us with salvation and righteousness (61:10). In both Genesis 3:10 and Revelation 3:17, the problem of nakedness is identified. God sent his own Son to take our nakedness on himself on the cross, so we could be clothed in his righteousness.
  1. God causes new growth and life to spring up (61:11). He regenerates our dead hearts so that righteous living will work its way from the inside of us outward into our actions.
  1. He gives us a new name (62:2). We are now named “Christians,” a name with Christ’s own title in it. We belong to him as his cherished possession.    

The lie of our Enemy is that God couldn’t possibly like sinners such as us. The gospel of Jesus boldly says otherwise. Rejoice in God!

Taking it home: Although it will cause discomfort, list the good qualities in yourself that you think God likes.

More in Christmas: The Wonder of God's Kingdom

December 24, 2017

Christmas- The Wonder of God's Kingdom