Life In His Name
April 23, 2017 Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Easter Entering Into The Newness of Life
Topic: Easter Entering Into The Newness of Life Passage: John 20:19–31
A Recap from the Sermon
Preaching text: John 20:19-31
In this text, the resurrected Jesus appears to his disciples. It includes the exchange with Thomas, for which he becomes known as “Doubting Thomas.” John’s gospel was written in a highly stylized manner that emphasizes the importance of belief. This exchange with Thomas is intentionally placed here in John’s gospel to encourage readers to press through doubts because…
By believing, there is life in his name.
Thomas has both doubts about the resurrection and conditions to believing. Many people share in doubting and all people initially come to Jesus with conditions. For example, a person might say, “Lord, I’ll believe in you, but I’m not forgiving that person.” It’s a good exercise to ask what doubts or conditions might be hindering our faith.
Jesus meets Thomas right where he is and even accommodates Thomas’ stipulated condition of having to place his finger in the nail marks. In this moment Thomas learns that Jesus is always listening. Jesus is always seeking. And Jesus is always redeeming. He is so overwhelmed that he doesn’t even touch Jesus. He simply declares him as “My Lord and My God.”
In this same passage Jesus says, “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” In order to be effective witnesses, we must first bring our doubts and conditions to God by reading his word and finding good answers. Then we should boldly lead people to Christ. Thomas obviously overcame his doubts. Church history teaches us that Thomas boldly died as a martyr bringing the good news of Jesus to India.
For discussion at home:
What keeps us from sharing our faith in Jesus boldly with others? What are some common doubts or conditions that people use to keep the Lord at a distance?

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