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Get Connected Sunday

August 27, 2017 Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Get Connected Sunday 2017

Topic: Get Connected Passage: Hebrews 10:19–25

A Recap from Sunday’s Sermon

Preaching Text: Hebrews 10:19-26

We just had “Get Connected Sunday,” and I chose our text because verse 25 cautions us not to neglect meeting together. The type of meeting in view is a religious assembly, i.e., “organized religion.” I want our church to be intentional about why we go to church. I also want us to move from “going to church” to “being the church.”

Many people declare themselves as “spiritual but not religious.” While this position keeps a person spiritually open, it is seeking but never finding. Such a person can maintain a sense of transcendent meaning but without obligations for transformation. I must ask, “If your life is so good now, why are you seeking?”

The first 10 ½ chapters of Hebrews describes Jesus as the perfect offering for sins, granting believers forgiveness and access to God. So in verses 19 & 22, Hebrews implores us to “enter the holy places” and “draw near with faith.” The Gospel that Jesus taught was the availability of the Kingdom of God now.

Jesus invites us to repent of our old ways and learn to live as disciples in his Kingdom.

The word “disciple” means learner, i.e. student or apprentice. A disciple is someone intentionally learning to live like Jesus. When we intentionally do so, we are “becoming the church,” not just going to one. Sunday worship reminds us of God’s goodness and his invitation to be his disciples.

Discipleship must go further than individual learning. “One another” is in our passage twice because discipleship is a community process. Verse 24 tells us to “consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.” Mature discipleship includes helping others learn how to follow Jesus too. My hope is that we would become disciples who make disciples. To that end, check out our Discipleship Pathway.  

Taking it home: Discuss any differences between the terms “Christian” and “Disciple.” Share at least one thing that you are intentionally doing to learn the ways of Jesus?