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Jesus Stood Where Adam Fell

March 5, 2017 Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Lent - By His Wounds We Are Healed

Topic: Lent 2017 Passage: Genesis 2:15– 3:7

A Recap from Sunday’s Sermon

Preaching Text: Genesis 2:15 – 3:7

This past Sunday, our preaching text described what scholars call “The Fall of Man.” In merely half of a verse, Adam and Eve disobey God, when they succumb to the Serpent’s temptation and take and eat of the forbidden fruit (Gen. 3:6b).

Those two words, “take” and “eat” would not be fully redeemed until our Lord himself tasted death.  In remembrance of his death on the cross we hear him say, “Take. Eat.  This is my body given for you.”  The reason his cross is effective in saving us is because,

Jesus stood where Adam and Eve fell.

Jesus was tempted in every way as we are, but he was without sin.  Through one man, Adam, all of humanity came into death.  This is definitely not fair.  Even less fair is that one man, Jesus, died on a cross so that all of humanity could receive forgiveness.  The Lord is good and provides for us.  Never forget that.

Satan (the Serpent) tempted Adam and Eve by calling into question God’s goodness and the danger of disobedience.  Satan directly contradicts God’s command by saying, “You will surely not die.”  He still uses that approach today, effectively telling us to 1. Doubt God and 2. Pursue Sin.  This is exactly what Eve does when she starts to look at the forbidden fruit.  She forgets that God is a generous provider and protector, and she justifies eating the fruit that will bring death.  Lent is a natural time for us to do the exact opposite of Satan’s temptation.

We ought to 1. doubt sin, and 2. pursue God.

This week, consider the areas of temptation in your life.  Ask yourself, “Will this sin lead me to life or death?”  Then, relish God’s goodness.

More in Lent - By His Wounds We Are Healed

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