Palm Sunday
April 9, 2017 Speaker: Dan Wolf Series: Lent - By His Wounds We Are Healed
Topic: Palm Sunday Passage: Matthew 27:31–56
A Recap of the Sermon
Preaching Text: Matthew 27: 31-56
Main Point:
On the cross, Jesus was forsaken so we would never have to be.
Why? Why did Jesus die on the cross? Two details in the crucifixion narrative help shed light on the meaning of the crucifixion. First, the mockers tempted Jesus with these words, "If you are the son of God, save yourself!" But Jesus stayed on the cross for us. Why? He chose not to save himself in order to forgive us for all the ways we save ourselves, all the times we choose self-preservation over love, and all the things we have left undone. Second, before he died, Jesus felt utter alienation from the Father and screamed, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Why? Because He was bearing all of our sins on the cross. Jesus was forsaken so we would never have to be. Jesus' alienation led to our reconciliation with the Father.
Set aside time this Holy Week to repent your specific sins. Reflect on the cross through meditation of the passion narratives and participation in the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday Services.
Question to Ask at Home:
If a friend or co-worker asked you, "What does the cross mean to you personally?" What would you share with them?

More in Lent - By His Wounds We Are Healed
April 2, 2017
Jesus Steps into the GraveMarch 26, 2017
Jesus Judges the HeartMarch 19, 2017
Jesus Enters Our Shame