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Sent for the Sake of Others

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Sent for the Sake of Others

Jesus reframes our mindset when he says the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Jesus invites us into this exciting work of sharing his heart for the lost, and inviting all people into the kingdom. In this series, we will take a look at the stories Jesus told relating to the harvest. In each of these parables, Jesus shares principles about how we are to sow seeds of the kingdom, understand the soil of people's hearts, trust God for fruit, be patient with his timing, and invest generously. The final sermon begins to prepare our hearts for the journey to the cross as we prepare for the Lenten season by putting to death our desire for lordship, and trusting in God's resurrection power and freedom. This series will be in conjunction with our 30 Day Alpha Prayer Movement. We are encouraging every member of Grace to pray for three people daily, relationally invest in them through asking intentional questions, and invite them to explore Jesus at Alpha on February 9th.

February 9, 2020

Like a Mustard Seed

Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Sam Horowitz Series: Sent for the Sake of Others Topic: Sent for the Sake of Others Passage: Mark 4:30–32

February 2, 2020

Sharing Our Faith in a Non-Anxious Way

Speaker: Dan Wolf Series: Sent for the Sake of Others Topic: Sent for the Sake of Others Passage: Mark 4:26–29

January 12, 2020

Hospitality and Invitation

Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sent for the Sake of Others Topic: Sent for the Sake of Others Passage: Luke 16:1–13

January 5, 2020

Our Shepherd Leads Us to Others

Speaker: Dan Wolf Series: Sent for the Sake of Others Topic: Sent for the Sake of Others Passage: Matthew 9:35–38