Jesus Invites Sinners to Kingdom Work
September 17, 2017 Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Jesus the Ultimate Physician
Topic: Jesus the Ultimate Physician Passage: Luke 5:1–11
A Recap from Sunday’s Sermon
Preaching Text: Luke 5:1-11
This is the account of the first of two different miraculous fishing catches. In the first incident, Peter wants to flee from Jesus. In the second he actually swims toward Jesus. Why?
The first miraculous catch occurs early in Jesus’ public ministry. Jesus borrows Peter’s boat to address the crowds from a floating pulpit. I imagine Peter being pleased with such nearness to the Lord, but he quickly grows uncomfortable when nearness moves into an encounter of the Holy. Jesus leads them into the deep water and reveals himself as the Lord of all creation. Peter, feeling his sinfulness in contrast, fearfully requests that Jesus depart from him.
God’s holiness REPELS us before it RESTORES us.
Thankfully, Jesus’ holiness is neither deterred nor tainted by our sin. He ignores Peter’s request and invites them to become followers. Subsequently, Jesus often makes them uncomfortable (consider John 6:66). The same is true today.
If God doesn’t make you uncomfortable at times, you’re not walking WITH him but only near him. Encountering true holiness is disconcerting for sinners but transformative. We are drawn to God’s “otherness,” but quickly realize our inadequacy and feel the need for a Savior.
In order for a Holy God to accept sinful people, Jesus stepped in as our intermediary. He died on the cross to pay for our sin and make us worthy to stand in his presence. He alone is able to save in such a way. Peter brazenly offered to die with Jesus only to learn how sinful he was.
In John 21, Jesus does a second miraculous catch of fish. This time, Peter, in need of forgiveness, swims straight to Jesus and is restored. He was a changed man after this. Peter had learned that Jesus alone has the words of eternal life. Don’t settle for mere nearness to God, press in all the way and encounter his holiness and let him heal you.
Taking it home: What are some ways that Christians choose to remain only NEAR God, without embracing him as holy? Discuss how encountering his holiness can have a healing effect.

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