The Increase of Christ Brings Joy
December 17, 2017 Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Advent - The Coming of God's Kingdom
Topic: Advent Passage: John 3:22–30
A Recap from Sunday's Sermon
Preaching text: John 3:22-30
At the first Advent (coming) of Jesus, John the Baptist proclaims, “...this joy of mine is now complete.” Many people, even Christians, would be reluctant to claim that their joy is complete. Jesus says in John 15:11 that he wants his joy in us so that our joy will be complete. John proclaimed his joy even as he was experiencing a personal decrease. He was able to do this because he avoided certain temptations that leave us emotionally fragile. We are often tempted to seek our joy apart from God. We are also tempted to envy others who are receiving God’s favor. John’s disciples were upset that all their followers were going to Jesus (v.26). However, for John, this was a reason for rejoicing.
The increase of Christ brings eternal joy for those who see his beauty.
John’s entire life, including his time in utero (Luke 1:41), was focused on Jesus and full of Joy. His response to his disciples shows us why.
(v.27) - Accepting God’s PROVISION. John recognized that any success he had came to him only by God’s gracious gift. Thus, his decrease was not failure, but willing submission to God’s kingdom instead of his own “thief-dom.”
(v.28) - Accepting God’s PURPOSE. John was clear on his personal calling and vision. He was a “voice” sent ahead as a forerunner for the Messiah. This crowd’s departure from him was actually a sign of success.
(v.29) - Accepting God’s PASSION. John’s use of the wedding metaphor points us to the truth that Jesus came to seek and save his lost bride. God is passionate about sinners coming to repentance (see Luke 15) and so was John.
If your happiness is based on these three things because you love Christ, you will never be disappointed. Your joy will be complete and everlasting.
Taking it home: Share the last thing that made you really happy. Was it related to the three things John shared in this passage?