Sermons from July 2020
Back to Sermon ArchiveJuly 26, 2020
Christians Practice their Righteousness for an Audience of One and the Glory of One
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Sermon on the Mount Passage: Matthew 6:1–18
July 19, 2020
Oaths and Retaliation
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Sermon on the Mount Passage: Matthew 5:33–42
July 12, 2020
Marriage and Sex are God’s Idea and Part of Our Being His Image Bearers
Speaker: Mike McDonald Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Sermon on the Mount Passage: Matthew 5:27–32
July 5, 2020
Resolving Anger with Child-like Faith
Speaker: Jack McNeil Director of Youth and Families Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Sermon on the Mount Passage: Matthew 5:21–30