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Abraham's Call is Our Mission

November 12, 2023 Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Sam Horowitz Series: Images of the Messiah

Topic: Images of the Messiah Passage: Genesis 12:1–9

For generations, God’s people waited for the fulfillment of all the promises made to Abraham. Jesus, as the promised offspring of Eve who defeats the Serpent once and for all, also throws open the gate into God’s kingdom for the nations beyond Israel. God is going to deliver on his promise that “in [Abraham] all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” And since that is Jesus’ mission, it is therefore also the mission of Jesus’ body, the church. All who have been saved by Christ’s victory on the Cross now share in it. Though the parts of the body may have different functions and abilities, they share one mission.

That is why Jesus’ parable in Luke 13:22-30 is sobering: the time is short. As we who have been welcomed into the Master’s house look around, who is missing? Who has yet to hear the Good News? Who will we miss when the doors have been shut? How might we introduce them to Jesus?

And if the answer is that we know nobody who isn’t already inside, where might we go? Yes, some are being called to far-off lands, and we give thanks that they hear and obey. But others of us are called somewhere much nearer. To the children’s ministry? To the tennis courts? Perhaps into a local elementary school? Many of us are being called to “go” somewhere close by! Let us pray that we would hear, trust, and obey, in the manner of our father in faith, Abraham.

Taking it home: Where are you being called to “go” that is close by?