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Living Your Faith Inside Out: The Wisdom of James

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Living Your Faith Inside Out: The Wisdom of James

The Wisdom of James (Living Your Faith Inside Out). James is a New Testament book that is both loved and hated. The Reformer, Martin Luther, is said to have torn it out of his Bible because it could be mistakenly read as a form of "works righteousness theology," ie: a how-to-save-yourself manual. James presumes his readers are already justified in Jesus and now must be sanctified. Many readers recognize James as befitting the Old Testament genre of wisdom literature. Whatever else one might say about it, the letter is highly practical. Once a person comes to saving faith in Jesus, how now must he/she live? James tells us with directness and precision. This Way (Christianity) is not a simple walk in the park. It requires effort but promises great reward. In our day and age, people are not really looking for another easy half-measured answer. They are longing for something worth giving their all. James has what they, and all of us, need.

July 17, 2022

Words Have Power

Speaker: The Rev. Mike McDonald Series: Living Your Faith Inside Out: The Wisdom of James Topic: Living Your Faith Inside Out - The Wisdom of James Passage: James 3:1–18, Luke 6:39–42, Psalm 46:1–11

July 10, 2022

Faith Does Stuff

Speaker: The Rev. Mike McDonald Series: Living Your Faith Inside Out: The Wisdom of James Topic: Living Your Faith Inside Out - The Wisdom of James Passage: James 2:14–26, Psalm 8:1–9, Luke 6:37–38