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The Sin of Partiality and The Impartial God

July 3, 2022 Speaker: Curtis Froisland Series: Living Your Faith Inside Out: The Wisdom of James

Topic: Living Your Faith Inside Out - The Wisdom of James Passage: James 2:1–13, Luke 6:31–36

Partiality (treating others differently because of appearance, social status, or race) comes naturally to us because of our sinful nature, but what is natural is not always good. In fact, James tells us that treating people with partiality denies the gospel (v. 1-7) and transgresses the Royal Law of Christ (v. 8-13). Partiality denies the gospel because Christ is the “Lord of Glory” in his incarnation, suffering, and humiliation for us (v. 1). Partiality denies the Gospel because it creates “distinctions” (v. 4) in the church where Christ established unity (Eph 2:15). It looks at people from a worldly perspective, while God extends grace to the poor (v. 5). 

James goes further and makes the problem of partiality explicit: if we favor some and treat others poorly, we do not fulfill the law of our King, Jesus (v. 8). We have transgressed his law (v. 9) and have intentionally chosen to rebel against our King. Partiality breaks the whole law (v. 10-11) which boils down to: love God (v. 5) and love your neighbor (v. 8). The law of God convicts us and sends us to Christ for forgiveness and healing, but it also instructs how we should now live. 

Because partiality is “natural” to us, it is almost certain that we have types or groups of people whom we instinctively make assumptions about or treat differently. While we may defend ourselves or feel ashamed, James reminds us that we can be forgiven and changed - mercy triumphs over judgment (v. 13). God’s mercy in Christ has triumphed over the judgment we deserve, and we are called to extend love, kindness, and mercy to all without distinction.

Taking it Home: Ask the Lord to show you partiality in your heart. Ask the Lord for his forgiveness and help to see “those people” like he sees them.

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