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Jesus Is The Son of God Who Identified With Us So We Could Identify With Him

February 25, 2024 Speaker: The Rev. Mike McDonald Series: Jesus Is

Topic: Lent - Jesus Is Passage: Matthew 3:13–17

Who are you and what do you do?  These two questions relate to identity. Most people struggle to get clarity here and often listen to the wrong influences. But what God declares about his people is most important. To follow Jesus brings a new identity.   

Jesus is the Son of God who identified with us so we could identify with him.

In his baptism, Jesus received the affirmation and love of his Father in heaven. 

John the Baptist was reluctant to baptize Jesus because Jesus is sinless and divine.  However, “fulfilling all righteousness” meant that Jesus identified with us. Jesus lived the life we should’ve lived and died the death we deserved to die.

The Spirit descended as a dove, the symbol of peace, because Jesus would reign, not by military might, but by silently going to the Cross for our sins. By his blood, Christians are redeemed. 

For those who by faith are “in Christ,” the list of blessings that accompany the new identity is grand. Cherry-picking just some blessings from Ephesians 1:3-14, we see the following.

  • In Christ, we have every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies.
  • We have a new family, adopted as sons and daughters of God.
  • There is grace for us in Jesus, the Beloved.
  • We can know the plan of salvation.
  • We have an inheritance.
  • The Holy Spirit resides in believers.

Taking It Home: Get baptized if you have not done so already.  It is where your new identity in Christ is established. Also, spend time rethinking who God is, because your identity will come from him. Abiding with Jesus leads to knowing oneself and out of that “what you do” will flow. Look at the Discipleship Pathway of Grace on our website and live into the Christian life.

Family Discussion Question: What good things does God say about his children?

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