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Big Discipleship Happens in the Small Things

March 27, 2022 Speaker: The Rev. Mike McDonald Series: The Gospel of Mark

Topic: The Gospel of Mark Passage: Mark 9:33–50

The disciples’ ignorance is on display when Jesus again tells them he must die. They don’t understand and fear to ask (v.32). They immediately dispute regarding whom among them was greatest. Jesus lovingly challenges them by lifting a child and explaining that greatness works backwards in his kingdom. If you want to be first, become last. 

Big discipleship happens in the small things.

We tend toward the flashy and glorious, but God cares about seemingly insignificant details of life. Consider these examples.

  1. A little child is not powerful, but Jesus teaches that childlike faith is needed for God’s kingdom. Furthermore, all people are made in the image of God and therefore worthy of our attention. To receive one such child is to receive Jesus and the Father (v. 36-37).
  2. Anyone doing a deed in Jesus’ name is important. John stopped a believer who wasn’t in their group but Jesus challenged this. We tend to form cliques and denominations, but Jesus appreciates every approach to serving him. Even giving someone a drink in his name is worthy of a reward.
  3. Careless words and actions that can cause a child or person of immature faith to stumble is cause for serious concern. What we might consider harmless and “just a bit of fun,” is of deadly consequence, millstone-sized.
  4. Our own comfort with our sinful habits is like playing with fire. Jesus uses graphic hyperbole to spur us toward holiness. Such sins belong in hell and will not be part of heaven so he warns us to ruthlessly cut out sins.

Taking It Home: Jesus concludes with a command to have “salt” in ourselves. This seems to be a reference to the Holy Spirit’s purifying and preserving work. We need his help to grow as disciples. Recalling the love of Jesus, invite the Spirit to bring you to holiness.

More in The Gospel of Mark

April 10, 2022

Jesus is the King We Deeply Need

April 3, 2022

Endure The Darkness With Jesus

March 20, 2022

There Is No Crown Without A Cross