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The Pavilion Project


The Pavilion Project
Connecting Our Community

Grace Anglican Church Pavilion with Plans

A Letter From Senior Pastor Mike McDonald

Dear Grace Anglican Church Family,

Our temporary tent is the heart of our campus and plays such an important role in our fellowship, but it lacks functionality and is in desperate need of repair. The concrete plaza is where we interact as one church worshiping in 3 services. The friendly community that occurs there at the intersection of services helps our people to know and love one another. This is all about growing a sense of belonging, part of our Discipleship Pathway. Every Sunday, 100% of our worshiping congregation will pass through the new pavilion. The pavilion will be a natural and welcoming space for members of all 3 services to cross paths and interact.

Costs and Building Details (REVISED)
New Fundraising Goal: $250,000
(previously $300,000)

After hosting the Q&A session under the tent on August 29th and hearing some feedback, we’re modifying the scale of the pavilion to be slightly smaller. Instead of the originally proposed size, we are pursuing a 60’ diameter pavilion, which will fill the existing concrete with no additional overhang. It will exactly match the top roofline of the Administration Building (25’ height). Although we could use the larger space to fit more people, we don’t want the scale of the pavilion to overtake the beautiful entrance to our sanctuary and feel disproportionate to our existing buildings. We’re lowering the fundraising goal to $250,000, which will more than cover the projected costs of the 60’ pavilion. This budget number includes approximately $180,000 for the structure and concrete footers plus $70,000 for shingles, gutters, drainage, electrical work, ceiling fans, a sound system, security cameras, paint, and column dressing. The cost includes engineering design work to meet local wind loads and permitting costs. Any additional funds raised will be added to our roof replacement fund.

Why Now

On Vision Sunday of this year, I told the church that I believed God was calling us to work on creating a culture of “invitation” and “hospitality,” two words from the prior year’s vision but with a special focus on our own members. The pandemic has caused many of our “sheep” to be scattered. Before we can grow strong again at outreach, we must reconstitute our core. The broadcasting of services has helped keep some members connected and even brought new people, but it is no replacement for physical togetherness. This year must be marked by efforts to build inward momentum. The Pavilion Project generates excitement about our campus, drawing people in. It also provides a new outdoor meeting space to improve fellowship and facilitate many of our ministries.   

The pavilion solves a current maintenance problem: a tired and temporary tent. We’ve looked at it so long that we’ve grown used to it, but visitors see it with fresh eyes. It is not welcoming. We’re about to have 180 new apartment units looking at our campus. A ragged tent is hardly inviting. A nice pavilion next to a playground is interesting.

Ministry Opportunities

The proposed pavilion is full of ministry potential. Just a few current ministries that will immediately use this pavilion are: Sunday Coffee Fellowship, Alpha, Food Truck events, Get Connected Sunday, Mission Expo, Advent Wreath-Making, Busy Bees Summer Camp, and Soul in the City.

Financials and Timelines

The construction timeline for the pavilion will be set by how quickly we can raise funds. The main structure will take takes less than a month to build and install, with additional upgrades of painting, electrical and column dressing done in-house at our team’s pace. I am prayerfully optimistic that we can raise the funds by the end of January, 2022. Pledge Sunday was September 12th, but pledges can be turned in at any time. 

Your ongoing generosity with regular tithing will be essential during this project, since we have other financial responsibilities such as monthly operations and caring for our existing buildings. The roof of the sanctuary and administration building is estimated to need replacing in three-year’s time. Before starting this pavilion project, the vestry put $100,000 cash in a dedicated roof replacement fund, which is still less than half of the estimated cost for the new roof. I am asking that your regular weekly giving remain strong, with the prayerful hope that each year we will have enough surplus to add $50,000 to that fund and replace the roof with cash on hand when the time comes.

Pledges and Giving Opportunities

Prayerfully consider giving to the Pavilion Project to increase and improve ministry opportunities. Imagine all the kingdom work that will be done in our new pavilion! 


Pledge Cards

Download a pledge card, pick one up from the church office or  information kiosk on Sundays, and turn it into the offering plate on Sundays. You can also mail it to the church office.


Ways to Give

  • Give Online
    Click the Give button and select "The Pavilion Project" from the dropdown menu
  • Cash/Check
    Please designate "The Pavilion Project" on contributions