Jesus Is Creating a Kingdom People
January 26, 2025 Speaker: The Rev. Mike McDonald Series: Jesus Made Known
Passage: Luke 4:14–21
Luke intentionally starts Jesus’ public ministry with his visit to Nazareth. This hints at the coming rejection. Also, in Jesus’ own words, we get a description of his ministry. He quotes Isaiah in his message, saying it is fulfilled in their hearing. Shortly thereafter, he will be rejected because their expectations don’t align with his mission.
Jesus requires of his followers a radical realignment to his Kingdom. However, many come to Jesus as a solution of their personal problems or as a means to success. At some point, even for the most faithful, Jesus’ Kingdom work will be confusing (See Mat. 11 or John 6). In referring to the “year of the Lord’s favor,” Jesus indicates the time of fulfillment for God’s plan, but it will be partial. The Kingdom of God is now available in Christ, but not yet fully here.
Jesus is creating a Kingdom people.
His sermon on Isaiah 61 points to both a literal and figurative fulfillment. The materially poor and the poor in spirit are receiving Good News. The blind of sight and the spiritually blind are having their eyes opened. Those who are oppressed and captive are being set free and/or forgiven.
Churches occasionally lean toward either a “social gospel” of mercy ministry or an “spiritual gospel” of forgiveness of sins. The Good News was a message of both. Luke quotes Jesus as saying “blessed are the poor” (Luke 6:20) and Matthew quotes Jesus saying “blessed are the poor in spirit” (Matthew 5:3). Again, both things are true.
Taking It Home: Read the passage again, asking the Lord to show you the literal and figurative situations in your life. Pray for the Kingdom to come then do what you can to bring it about.
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