God's Glory is Available to Those Who Look to Jesus
January 19, 2025 Speaker: The Rev. Mike McDonald Series: Jesus Made Known
Passage: John 2:1–11
In making wine, Jesus reveals his glory. His disciples believe in him. Others, such as the master of the feast, enjoy Jesus’ provision without acknowledging the source. How often is the same true of us? John’s Gospel invites us to look closer, especially at Jesus’ signs.
God’s glory is available to those who look to Jesus.
John writes about the signs so we might believe and have life in him (John 20:31). A “sign” specifically signifies something further. We must consider what this first miracle reveals about him. Jesus fulfilled many Old Testament symbols.
Wine - In the Bible and elsewhere, wine is a symbol of feasting and celebrations. Israel was God’s vineyard, but gone wild (Jeremiah 2:21-22). After the exile, Amos promises restoration for Israel, poetically symbolized by mountains dripping sweet wine (Amos 9:13).
The Wedding - In the OT, God sees himself as the groom and Israel as his bride who is often unfaithful (Isaiah 54:4-5). All of Hosea is a lived parable of God’s faithfulness to an adulterous wife. John the Baptist refers to Jesus as the groom (3:28-30). Jesus is God and he loves us with deep intimacy.
Stone Jars - These were symbolic of ritual purity, but we need a much deeper cleansing for sin. Jesus came to wash us in his blood. In referring to “his hour” he was contemplating the Cross. In the Sacrament, Jesus offers us his blood to drink as a partaking of his life in the new covenant.
Taking It Home: Come expectantly to Holy Communion weekly. Respond to Jesus’ love for you by reciprocating that love toward him and others. Be honest about the cleansing you need. Like Mary, bring only your problems to Jesus, but not your solutions.
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