Extending Grace Discipling Generations
January 12, 2025 Speaker: The Rev. Mike McDonald Series: Vision Sunday
Topic: Vision Sunday Passage: Luke 3:15–22
The Greek word “ekklesia” is typically translated “church,” but it literally means “called out ones.” It refers to the new community of faith that Jesus began. Christians are called out of the world and into the body of Christ as his members. But what does it mean to be a church member?
According to Ephesians 2:18-22, the church is far more than a place you “go.” It’s your citizenship, the household of God, and even a “dwelling place for God by the Spirit” (v.22). Christ is the head of his body and we are the members. How does Grace Anglican practically live this out?
“Extending Grace Discipling Generations.”
We join God on his mission to extend the message of Good News. It’s grace, an underserved gift that Jesus died for our sins to reconcile us to God and others. We must be discipled into this new life, a process that takes an entire generation from the cradle to the grave.
Additionally, our “Discipleship Pathway” shows the foundational practices that a believer ought to do: Worship each Sunday with the rest of the church and also develop a worshipful heart. Belong by participating in a small group. Serve like Jesus modeled servant leadership. Finally, Makes Disciples means that, after a bit of maturing, the Christian helps others live as disciples too.
This year we will continue to focus on “growing deep” in knowing God. The new Sunday schedule and many classes and events are designed with this in mind.
Discussion Question: How did John the Baptist help start Jesus' public ministry?
Taking It Home: Add a new component to your spiritual practices this year to grow. Sign up for a class, a new group, or serve opportunity. Invite someone to Alpha, or go on a mission trip. This year we are also making a prayerful push to reduce our financial debt to release more ministry. Consider making an extra gift of any amount.
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