God Reveals Himself to Those Seeking Jesus by Faith
January 5, 2025 Speaker: The Rev. Mike McDonald Series: Salvation For All People
Passage: Matthew 2:1–12
The Bible teaches how we handle the “some” that God gives determines if we get “more.” (See Jesus’ Parable of the Talents). God has given all people a certain amount of revelation of his character and works. For those who seek him, more is given. “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you” (James 4:8).
The Magi are a case study of this principle. They get a revelatory “star” and act in faith. As a result, they find Jesus and learn more about God’s salvation.
God reveals himself to those seeking Jesus by faith.
There are three types of kings in this passage. The Magi are faithful kings. Herod is a resistant king. Jesus is the true King.
Magi were not actually “kings” but more likely Persian courtiers and priests. They were highly educated, offering wise counsel. They studied the stars for meaning. God got their attention and they acted in faith seeking further revelation. The result was joyful worship having found Jesus and learning more about him from Mary.
Herod was a “client king,” designated king by Rome. He worked tirelessly to establish his rule and did great construction projects. But he was fiercely paranoid, killing any threat, including his own family members.
Finally, Jesus, the King of the Jews, was born humbly, trusting his Father, and coming as a servant king born to die for our sins. The Magi’s gifts were prophetic in nature, pointing to his divinity, humanity and pending death.
Taking It Home: Look again at the reactions of King Herod (active resistance), the Magi (faithful seeking) and the religious leaders (totally aloof). Make an honest assessment of your own response to the coming of Christ. Resolve in 2025 to seek him in new ways.