Jesus is the Word Made Flesh For Us
December 29, 2024 Speaker: The Rev. Curtis Froisland Series: Christmas - Redemption Draws Near
Topic: Christmas I Passage: John 1:1–18
We all carry questions about our lives, relationships, and futures in our hearts, but Christmas calls us to return to the most important question of all – Who is Jesus? The answer to this question is the answer to all our hopes and fears. John tells us: Jesus is the Word made flesh for us!
Jesus is “before” the beginning (John 1:1a; Gen 1:1). Jesus is God’s eternal Wisdom and Self-Revelation as the “Word.” Jesus is God (John 1:1c), and yet distinct from God (1:1b). The Word is “begotten” of the Father, the eternal Father’s eternal Son (1:14, 18). And the Word does God things, Jesus created all things and every single thing that was made (1:3, Gen 1:3).
Jesus is eternal. Jesus is God. Jesus is not the Father. Jesus is uncreated. Jesus is the Creator. Jesus comes from the Father eternally. These are the building blocks of the Biblical doctrine of the Trinity, and though can be a difficult doctrine, it is a doctrine full of immense blessing.
Because he is the eternal Word for us (v. 14), we can have confidence and hope that the darkness of our sin and the world’s rebellion will never overcome his Light (1:4-5). Because he is the eternal Son of God we can have assurance that he really can make us children of God (v. 11) by water and the Spirit (John 3:5). Because he is the eternal Word made flesh he set us free from the Law and it’s curse, reveals his glory on the cross (John 12:23-27), and gives us “grace and truth” rather than Law. By faith we are forgiven (Gal 3:25) and have eternal life (John 3:16).
Who is Jesus? He is the Word made flesh for us!
How does knowing Jesus is the Light give us confidence and hope in a dark world?
Discussion Question: How did Jesus shine light into darkness by coming?