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God Calls Sinners to Repentance

December 8, 2024 Speaker: The Rev. Mike McDonald Series: Advent 2024

Topic: Advent Passage: Luke 3:7–20

Advent is focused on change in preparation for Christ’s coming. In Luke, “repentance for the forgiveness of sins” serves as a bookend. It’s spoken by John the Baptist in chapter 3 and by Jesus in chapter 24.

God calls sinners to repentance.

What is repentance?

It’s an inner change leading to outer changes. Unlike remorse, there are at least four parts:

  1. Sense of guilt for sin. According to Mark 1:5 “all Judea and Jerusalem” were going into the wilderness for baptism. The Holy Spirit convicted them.
  2. Hearing the Good News. A person learns of God’s love and mercy. Forgiveness is made available through the cross.
  3. Turning. A person turns away from sin, but also toward God. Judas, by contrast, was merely remorseful and turned away from sin but never toward God.
  4. Resolution to live differently. This requires a lifetime of learning God’s ways and walking them.

How do I get repentance?

God entered history (v. 1-2) and did something new. He broke the 400 years prophetic silence and had John proclaim Good News (see 3:18). It was an invitation to forgiveness for “all flesh” (v. 6), meaning every kind of person. The invitation is to prepare God’s way (v. 3-4).

What happens when I walk in it?

You will see God working in and through you. In verses 5-6, the voice is passive, implying that God will do the heavy lifting to straighten your way. You will get to see salvation (v.6). Jesus will make us witnesses to him (24:48).

Taking It Home: Read the Parable of the Sower in Luke 8 and ask what “cares, riches, and pleasures of life” might be choking you. Then walk the steps of repentance. Ask Jesus into the things crowding him out.