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Jesus Brought the Kingdom of God to Us But Not Yet Complete.

December 1, 2024 Speaker: The Rev. Mike McDonald Series: Advent 2024

Topic: Advent Passage: Luke 21:25–33

The desire to rule is a God-given human trait. God expects us to rule as temporary managers under his Kingdom priorities. When we rule to build a “thiefdom” instead of his Kingdom we incur judgment. Jesus warned us that he would eventually return to judge, a day of great distress for many (v.25-26). For others, it will be cause to raise their heads (v.28).  

Jesus brought the Kingdom of God to us but not yet complete.

The“already but not yet” means that something has merely begun. Jesus used the word “near” twice. Our redemption is drawing near (v. 28) and his Kingdom is near (v.31). Both of these things began with his first coming but are still in process. 

1. Redemption is the ransom paid to free a person from bondage (see Mark 10:45). Jesus paid for sinners on the cross by his blood. When a person receives this gift, redemption begins. It’s a one-time event with ongoing effects. They are now forgiven and free to serve God. When Christ returns, they will be free from all sin, including the sin left in the world and their own hearts. It is cause for lifting ones head. Have you actually prayed to receive this gift? 

2. The Kingdom, mentioned 45 times in Luke, is God’s effective rule. He is King of all things, but many live in rebellion. Jesus invites us to come under God’s rule now. When he returns everything will be set right.

Taking It Home: In light of Jesus’ return, ask yourself how you are ruling, as a steward or a thief. Hold on loosely to the things you control. Mean it when you pray “thy kingdom come” and work to extend grace in this world.