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God's Salvation Comes Through Sacrifice

September 29, 2024 Speaker: The Rev. Mike McDonald Series: Minor Prophets Major Truths

Topic: Minor Prophets Passage: Jonah 1:1–17

Jonah is unusual because the book focuses more on Jonah than his message. God’s dealing with Jonah’s sinfulness effectively becomes the message. His nationalism is an idol hindering his service to God. Idolatry happens when something good becomes ultimate, pushing God out of our center. Jonah’s nationalism for Israel led to fearing Assyria and justified his hatred of their capital, Nineveh. 

Jonah’s anti-missionary behavior leads to gentile mariners coming to faith. They see the storm and learn to fear Yahweh. Probably out of pity for them, Jonah offers his life for theirs. Jonah is mercifully rescued (and punished) by the fish. Jesus connects this sacrifice to his own ministry as a “sign” of God’s salvation through the Cross of Christ (see Matthew 12:40). We learn a major truth through Jonah.

God’s salvation comes through sacrifice.

The Jonah story has at least two parallels in the New Testament: Jesus calming a similar storm and his teaching on the Prodigal Son, both of which are left unresolved. Jonah’s behavior in chapters 1-2 looks curiously like the prodigal son. His behavior in chapters 3-4 looks a lot like the older son. Jonah dabbles in both license and legalism. Still, God uses him to reach the mariners. His sacrifice reveals the mercy and deliverance of God.

There are significant similarities with Jesus asleep in the storm on the sea of Galilee.  The storm had an unusual and threatening power. Jesus was awakened by terrified fishermen. God’s power to save is displayed. After the miraculous and divine intervention, the fishermen, like the mariners, were more afraid of the Lord than the storm (Mark 4:41). 

Taking It Home: God’s power and mercy are on display in Jonah, inviting us all to surrender our idols and worship him.

Discussion Question:  How are storms useful to God's work of revealing hearts?

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