God's Plan Is Sure - What Is Seen As Weak And Despised Will Rule
September 22, 2024 Speaker: The Rev. Mike McDonald Series: Minor Prophets Major Truths
Topic: Minor Prophets Passage: Obadiah 1:1–21
In this short prophecy against Edom, the name Esau occurs seven times. It must be read in light of the historical Patriarchs. Jacob and Esau were twins, with Esau being the firstborn (Genesis 25). He was stronger, with thick red hair (Edom means “red” in Hebrew). The Edomites are Esau’s descendants and the Israelites are Jacob’s descendants.
In a reversal of custom, God elects the younger, Jacob, to rule over his older brother. Esau refused God’s plan and Jacob tried to force it through deceit. A sibling rivalry grew into a national rivalry. At its worst, Edom helped the Babylonians destroy Jerusalem (v. 11, see also Psalm 137). Obadiah is God’s judgment upon the actions of Edom and the “spirit of Esau,” which they displayed. Despite resistance God’s will prevails.
God’s plan is sure - what is seen as weak and despised will rule.
Edom had false pride in its elevation and allegiances, but God denounces both. The “day of the Lord” will come upon all nations (v. 15). Ultimately, saviors will rule from Zion (v. 21). The Kingdom of God will start small, appearing weak, but will grow like the small mustard seed in Jesus’ teaching into the largest garden tree.
Many continue to resist God’s plan and assert themselves (see Psalm 2). The “spirit of Esau” rose again in an Edomite named Herod the Great who opposed Jesus. But God’s Son prevailed, and through the Cross (what is seen as foolish and weak), Jesus defeated what seemed stronger - sin, Satan and death.
Taking It Home: Be careful not to have the “spirit of Esau,” which forces its will and looks down upon the vulnerable. Don’t despair over the worldly situation, which is dark, but trust in Jesus who is ruling from heavenly Zion.
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