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Jesus' Cross Demonstrates the Upside-Down Kingdom

July 28, 2024 Speaker: The Rev. Mike McDonald Series: Philippians: Having The Mind Of Christ

Passage: Philippians 2:1–13

As soon as the subject of humility is examined, it becomes elusive. Consider the question, “Am I humble?” Who is in the middle? To grow in humility, we must look elsewhere. The ESV heading of today’s text is “Christ’s Example of Humility.” 

In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he is advocating for the virtue of humility, which was not considered a virtue in society. It was the quality of a weak or unimportant person, such as a slave. This teaching is counter-cultural, but desperately needed. We’re told to “do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit.” The word concept is literally being empty of glory. The conceited person is trying to glorify himself in some way. James says it’s demonic and leads to disorder (see James 3:14-16). So Philippians 2 offers a cure. By humbling himself unto death on a cross, God exalted Jesus to the highest place. 

Jesus’ cross demonstrates the upside-down Kingdom.

In the Kingdom of God, the last are first, the poor are rich, the lord is a servant, the giver receives more and the proud are cast down. Paul tells us to have the “mind of Christ.”

Jesus was in the “form” of God, meaning having all the essential characteristics of God. But he emptied himself of that glory (in contrast to the conceited person who is empty but wanting glory). He condescended to die the horrible death we deserved in order to save us. So God glorified him and made the way of the cross the way of life and peace.

Taking It Home: Read the “Christ hymn” (verses 6-11) and reflect on Jesus. Then, look for someone’s need and go meet it. Look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.