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God Made Us and Gave Us a Purpose

July 7, 2024 Speaker: The Rev. Mike McDonald Series: Growing Deeper

Passage: Genesis 2:15–25

A core value at Grace Anglican is:  “We equip youth and families for godly living.”  

Genesis 2 addresses three major areas, which have to do with the human reason for existence. 

God made us and gave us a purpose.

THE WORK (verse 15). Adam was placed in the garden to “work” it and “keep” it. Work is a fundamental part of God’s good creation, which he shares with us. Nature is what God gives us. Culture is what we make of it. Eden was a place of abundant provision and God’s love for people. The word “keep” carries the sense of guarding the sanctity of Eden. One way to summarize our work in God’s world is to “cultivate a God-centered provision.”

THE WORKERS (verse 18). After saying multiple times in chapter 1 that God’s work was “good” and “very good,” we are now surprised to hear that “it was NOT good for the man to be alone.” So God provides a “helper” who is “fit” for him. The Hebrew word for “fit” can mean corresponding to, complementary, or even opposite of. As we learned in Genesis 1:27, both genders are necessary to be image bearers of God. The word “helper” is not condescending in any way. It is typically used elsewhere to refer to God as our helper (see Psalm 54:4 as one of many examples).

THE WEDDING (verses 24-25). Although these verses neither say the words marriage or wedding, Jesus and Paul both saw this as the first marriage (see Mark 9 & Ephesians 5). A biblical view of marriage is: heterosexual, monogamous, committed and appropriately sexual.

Taking It Home: Cultivate God-centered provision in your work. Cultivate healthy male/female partnerships. Cultivate a biblical view of marriage in your home.