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Trinity Sunday-To Know God is to Know the Trinity

June 12, 2022 Speaker: The Rev. Mike McDonald Series: Trinity Sunday

Topic: Trinity Passage: John 16:5–15

This Sunday was the annual feast day known as Trinity Sunday. Question #36 of the Anglican Catechism, To Be a Christian, asks and answers the question: “Who is God?”  The answer is, “One divine being eternally existing in three divine persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, this is the Holy Trinity.”

To know God is to know the Trinity.

Although the word “Trinity” is nowhere in the Bible or in the Creed, the three Persons of the Trinity are throughout the Scriptures. In today’s text, Jesus is speaking of sending the Holy Spirit, who will apply all that the Father has given Jesus. In this way, it was to our advantage that Jesus return to the Father (v. 7). 

The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all involved in our salvation. Out of love for the world, God the Father gave his only Son to die for us. God the Son, Jesus, in obedience to the Father’s will, and out of love for us, died on the cross and then rose.  God the Holy Spirit gives witness to all this in three ways according to John 16:8.

  1. The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin for rejecting Jesus, assuming they are good enough people and not sinners in desperate need.
  1. He convicts the world of the righteousness of Jesus, who was affirmed and accepted by the Father when he rose from the grave and ascended into heaven.
  1. He convicts the world that Satan is under judgment and was forever defeated on the cross of Christ.

Taking It Home: As you read through the Bible, look for specific passages in which all three Persons are visible. Invite the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth about the Trinity.

More in Trinity Sunday

May 31, 2015

Trinity Sunday