Join us sundays at 7:00, 8:30 & 11AM

Like a Mustard Seed

February 9, 2020 Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Sam Horowitz Series: Sent for the Sake of Others

Topic: Sent for the Sake of Others Passage: Mark 4:30–32

A Recap from Sunday's Sermon

Preaching Text: Mark 4:30-32

Impossibly small beginnings are the way of God’s Kingdom. Life in Jesus begins when a man or woman believes the “mustard seed” of truth that Jesus is Lord. The pivot point in God’s plan to rescue a fallen world came down to the "mustard seed" of one man, Jesus Christ, by whom we are saved. From the New Testament onwards, big movements in God’s kingdom have begun from tiny seeds.

When we ourselves die to our old lives and begin living new lives in Christ, our growth must be more than just deepening roots. According to our new nature, we should be growing huge branches so that others can find refuge in God’s mercy and grace. One of the best ways to do that is to start small—just 2 or 3 gathering together in Jesus’ name—where disciples are made and where disciples can grow. Seeds grow because that’s what seeds have been made by God to do. In the same way, let us by faith grow in the way that God has designed us so that we may in God’s mercy be sent for the sake of others.

Taking Home: What can you do today with the mercy of God’s final commandment to go and make disciples? (Matthew 28:18-20)

More in Sent for the Sake of Others

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