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The Very Word of Jesus Is Enough to Heal

October 1, 2017 Speaker: Brent McHugh Series: Jesus the Ultimate Physician

Topic: Jesus the Ultimate Physician Passage: Luke 7:1–10

A Recap from Sunday’s Sermon

Preaching Text: Luke 7:1-10

This text recounts Jesus’ shocking encounter with a faithful centurion, whose faith stands out among the Jewish elders. We notice his humility, confidence and comprehension.

HUMILITY. He shows humility in approaching Jesus, recognizing that most Jews do not associate with Gentiles, considering themselves defiled upon entering a Gentile’s home. Despite his revered position, this centurion was more concerned about others than he was himself. He cared for his servant, and then he thoughtfully cared for the inhibitions that a Jewish Rabbi might have. This is commendable for all who would approach God. We must recognize that we are not worthy to do so (2 Cor. 3:5), or to have Him approach us. But Jesus approaches us out of his love and grace for us and welcomes us to approach him.

CONFIDENCE. The centurion says that he is not worthy to have Christ come to him or for himself to go to Jesus. So how will the servant be healed? The centurion expressed confidence in the power of Jesus’ word. “Say the word, and my servant will be healed.” Jesus commends such boldness in prayer, which comes from reading God’s word and praying accordingly.

COMPREHENSION. Thirdly, the centurion understood power and how it worked. His own role in military hierarchy taught him that God’s authority works in a similar way. Jesus was and is uniquely qualified to act as the Son of God, including his power to heal.  

Make your prayer this week the prayer of the man in Mark 9:24, “Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.” We all have areas of unbelief. Though we believe and are convinced of some things, we doubt and do not believe others. Praise God for the things you do believe, but pray that God would help you believe the things you do not. Then when we come to Jesus in prayer, He will marvel at our faith as well. 

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