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Paul Tries to Convert Agrippa

August 13, 2017 Speaker: The Rev. Chris Klukas Series: Sent: Living the Mission of God

Topic: Sent Passage: Matthew 13:31–35

A Recap from Sunday’s Sermon

Preaching Text: Acts 26:19-29

It can be a scary thing to put yourself out there and share your faith. How much scarier would it be to share your faith with people who have the power to either execute you or set you free? In our text from the Book of Acts, the Apostle Paul finds himself standing in chains before two Roman Governors, Festus and Agrippa. Instead of backing down or shying away, Paul seizes the opportunity and shares his faith with these two powerful men and all of their entourage.

We can learn from Paul’s boldness. He knew that he had a message to deliver, and he knew who it was that sent him with that message (hint: it’s God!). Paul trusted that God would protect him and give him the words to speak when the time came. And we can trust that God will help us too. In his great commission, Jesus told his disciples to go out and make disciples, but he also promised that he would be with them always (Matthew 28:20). We are never alone when we are on a mission for God.

The truth is that most of us will never find ourselves standing before a governor, or president, or king, but we will all stand before an employer, or a co-worker, or a shopkeeper, or a neighbor. When the door opens to share the Gospel, what will we do?

Taking it home:

Spend some time reflecting this week on 1 Peter 3:13-16. What answer would you give to someone who asks you why you have hope in life? Ask God who in your life he wants you to reach out to with his love. What one thing is God asking you to do this week to minister to that person?

More in Sent: Living the Mission of God

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