Join us sundays at 7:00, 8:30 & 11AM

The Secret to a Fruitful Life

May 21, 2017 Speaker: Dan Wolf Series: Easter Entering Into The Newness of Life

Topic: Easter Entering Into The Newness of Life Passage: John 15:1–11

A Recap of Sunday's Sermon

Preaching Text: John 15:1-11

Main Point: Connect to Christ for a fruitful life.

John Maxwell says, “One day people will summarize your life in one sentence. So pick it now.” How do we live an impactful, fruitful life? Jesus promises in John 15:5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” Abiding in Christ means “staying connected to, drawing our life from, going deeper still into Jesus.” We all abide in and draw life from something or someone, but oftentimes these leave us feeling even emptier. If we stay connected to Christ, he will bear fruit through us.  


Set aside time to connect to Jesus today. Click on this link for a tool to connect to Jesus throughout this week.  Pray through one of these questions per day this week.

Taking It Home:
Have a discussion over a meal with family or friends and talk about the following questions:

What is a time recently that you felt Jesus’ life flowing into and through you? What are you turning to or abiding in that doesn’t lead to fruit?

More in Easter Entering Into The Newness of Life

May 28, 2017

Eternal Life is Knowing God

May 14, 2017

Doing Even Greater Works

May 7, 2017

Hearing the Shepherd's Voice