Jesus Is Compassion
February 19, 2017 Speaker: Bishop Neil Lebhar Series: Epiphany - Christ Revealed
Topic: Epiphany Passage: Matthew 9:35–38
Sermon Recap
Preached by Bishop Neil Lebhar
Preaching Text: Mat. 9:35-38
Jesus was radically compassionate. Look at his actions, his heart, and his plan. Preceding this text, we see Jesus heals a leper, then a centurion’s servant, and many others, finally healing two blind men and rescuing one mute man.
The compassionate ministry of Jesus is proclamation and action. His ministry is driven by the harassed and helpless. Or as one commentator shares, “those barely making it.” He shows us a powerful image: they were like sheep without a shepherd.
Main Point: Jesus acts in compassion because he is the compassionate God who sees people in need.
This brings up two questions:
1) Do you know the compassion Jesus has for you because he knows how confused and hurting, and yes, sinful you are? The magnitude of his compassion is seen in the most unlikely place when Jesus the shepherd died on the cross in our place, the sheep.
2) Do you know that Jesus is sending you to display his compassion to others who are barely making it?
Verses 37-38, show Jesus instructing his disciples to pray for harvesters. In the very next verse he chooses them to go do what he has been doing.
Everyone you meet is “barely making it” on their own. Everyone needs Jesus the compassionate shepherd. Review the mercy and compassion of Jesus that you have seen in your own life so that your joy will be increased and you will not lose hope. Then pray to the compassionate Lord of the harvest and ask him to send you to people who need his compassion delivered through you.

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