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Follow Him - A Lenten Invitation

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Follow Him - A Lenten Invitation

The Lord is daily gathering followers to be part of his gracious kingdom. Lent is an annual opportunity to begin or renew this commitment to Jesus. It's a penitential season, reminding us of our deep need for salvation. Each sermon text teaches something new about the experience of following Jesus. The first Sunday of Lent we see Jesus being tempted but holding strong for 40 days in the wilderness, an accomplishment that Adam was unable to do. This passage and all the rest present us with an invitation to follow behind Jesus, who has done for us what we could not do on our own. Jesus cleanses the temple in Jerusalem and also bids us to cleanse our lives in the pursuit of holiness. In John 12, the Father's voice is heard glorifying his Son. Jesus explains that this voice was for the crowd, not himself. The Father encouraged disciples along the way then and he still does today. When Jesus called the first disciples, they placed their trust in him and experienced a life of power and grace. When they followed him, they found God's provision along the way such as when he fed 5,000 of them miraculously. The 2021 Groups will be exploring these topics in a smaller setting each week leading up to Palm Sunday. Please join us as we follow Jesus this Lent.