Join us sundays at 7:00, 8:30 & 11AM


Our church vision is Extending Grace Discipling Generations. These “generations” include, not only those who are in their youth or those younger in the faith, but also those in their senior years. There is also a clear need for some specific ministry programming to those in their senior years. So we are excited to commission a new ministry to seniors, which will include a worship service, fellowship time, quarterly luncheons, and serving and care opportunities. This new ministry will be led by Rev. Dr. Marshall MacClellan.

The goal of this new ministry to seniors  is to hit all four quadrants of the Discipleship Pathway. (Worship, Belong, Serve, Make Disciples). Early Sunday morning is the primary time in which many of our senior adults live into the four quadrants of the Discipleship Pathway:


Senior Ministry Service (7 AM Sundays) - This early Eucharist service is intentionally scaled back. It currently uses the prayer books rather than screens, minimal technology and no music. The preaching follows the lectionary readings. People of any age are welcome to attend.


Immediately following the Senior Adult Service, at 8 AM, there is a coffee time to get to know one another in the Fellowship Hall. This is where regulars and visitors touch base each week, learn each others’ names and stories, and connect personally with the community. Occasionally, the Senior Ministry will host mid-week luncheons on a variety of relevant topics to equip members for this life phase journey and connect people through fellowship and community.


There are numerous roles for senior adults to serve on Sunday mornings (if able). These include ushering, chalice-bearing, reading Scripture, leading Prayers of the People, setting up the Fellowship Hall and making coffee. The members of this ministry seek to care for each other and reach out to those needing encouragement.


Those involved in the Senior Ministry are encouraged to share their faith with regulars and bring other seniors into these ministries.

For more information, questions or if you would like to serve in this ministry, reach out to The Reverend Marshall MacClellan, our Assistant Pastor and Director of Senior Adult Ministries.